Chapter 7

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Inuyasha POV

Wait what the heck is going on here? How are you and Koga related when your human and he's wolf demon?

Kagome POV

Well....let's see my mom is a priests and you my father was a mixed demon and if you wanna know what kind ask your father InuTashio who is visiting Sesshomaur's mother then he's gonna go see your mother Izayoi. Let's my mom and Koga's mom were friends and were pregnant at the same time so we have more in common than you think besides we grew up like we were brother and sister his clan welcomes mine and mine welcomes his so..yeah.

Inuyasha POV

What...How do you know my father and mother and step-mother? Tat isn't cool you know more than I do and that's unacceptable.

Kagome POV

Well let's see I'm older than you think I am.I'm 3 years younger than Sessy, three mouths younger than Naraku, and 5 minutes younger than Koga so yeah and did I tell you that Sessy's mom is my god mom so yeah I'm kinda related to you.

Narrator POV

A few minutes later while Inuyasha was processing all what just happened Kagome was staring into Naraku's beautiful red eyes and he was staring into Kagome's gorgeous eyes while Shippo was talking with his uncle Koga about training and becoming stronger to protect the ones thy love. Then all of a sudden Kagome comes back to reality and acts like a little kid then someone appears and Kagome's eyes lite up and she runs to the person which had their arms open to catch her.

Kagome POV

Yeah Shessy here!!

Sesshomaru POV

*smiling*Hello to you too little one, I see your doing fine and you had me worried for nothing.

Kagome POV

I did hehe sorry oni-chan but at least I got to see you since its been a long time we've seen each other.

Sesshomaru POV

Yes it has in deed and don't apologize I was worried about you and kit being with the half-breed.


Who does this guy think he is calling me a half-breed. Hey you who do you think you are calling me a half-breed.

Sesshomaru POV

You and you are one since you have dog ears on the top of your head and you would dead girl.

Kagome,Koga,and Naraku POV


Inuyasha POV

What....How could they I'm the alpha they should be cheering for me. There acting like he's the alpha.

Kikyo POV

Go Inu you can do it cause your better and you know it!!

Inuyasha POV

Kikyo....Alright let's do this *unsheaths tessaiga* fight me whoever you are.

Sesshomaru POV

Foolish arn't you little challenge me of all people do you have a death wish or something

Kagome POV

*fangirling over Sesshy*Yeah

Inuyasha POV

*running* I'll kill you Sesshomaru

Shippo POV

*LAMO and imitating Aquaris(fairy tail)* How can you beat uncle Sesshy if your so weak if its a new moon huh.

Naraku's ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora