Chapter 6

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Naraku POV

How dare that mutt's claypot hurt my Koi. He is gonna die soon real soon, once he's out of the picture that sword will be Sesshomaru's and I'll get the oltoment sword that I can use to kill Bakotsu with while Inuyasha and Kikyo get destroyed by Bankotsu while me,Koi, and Sesshomaru take him out in one blow. Meanwhile Sango and Miroku get medical stuff and Shippo gets some food and stuff for camp.

Inuyasha POV

Ayy Naraku why are you here and what is the meaning of this,are you trying to my jewel shard detector.

??? POV(guess who this is)

Wow "mutt face" you still have that short temper and you still get mad at Kagome because other guys are interested in her and stole your chance. Wow and I only took Kagome so I could spend with my friend that diapered long ago and came back still the same but older and mature.

Kagome POV:

Wait..... I know this voice.....Koga-nii, is that really you?

Koga POV(The ??? person is revealed):

Yeah long time no see right.

Kagome POV:

You had me worried cause you stopped coming onii-chan.

Koga POV:

I'm sorry its just that......claypot showed up and every time I would try to visit my nose would crinkle up because of that things smell and smells of dirt and ashes.

Kagome POV:

Its ok just hold you nose and come then I can take care of the rest.

Naraku POV:

Well half-brother how's it been being leader?

Koga POV:

Really brother you had to bring that up when I was just forgetting about it.

Naraku POV:

Hmm... Its your step mother trying to get you to mate  a girl you don't like but you want Ayame.

Koga POV:

Your right as always.

Shippo POV:

Uncle Koga can you teach Inutrasha a lesson for making momma cry and snap.

Koga POV:

Well of course I can, I would love to do that again just like the old times*evil grin*.

Onii-chan=older brother or brother

Koi=Naraku's nickname for Kagome


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