Chapter 6

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 “Yes. Thank you! Thank you so much and I’ll see you in a few days. Bye and thank you!” I almost dropped my cellphone on the ground but quickly caught it in mid-air. I, Kendall Vertes, had a Broadway Callback! The person on the phone, I’m pretty sure the same women at the casting call, said that I had an amazing voice and she couldn’t wait to see more of what I could do.

They narrowed it down to 50 girls and I was one of them. She gave me a little more information than before, which was a time and place given to me by Mrs. Carmine. I would have to sing another song, one of their choosing. If they still wanted me back there’s one final callback after that one, where I need to dance and sing another song, my choice, just like the first time.

I was so excited that I was paralyzed. I scrolled through my contacts not knowing whom to call. Finally settling on someone I touched the name with my pointer finger. My phone was vibrating but I didn’t notice, partly because I was jumpy myself.

“Hey!” Finally he picked up.

“Hey James you’ll never guess who just called me!” I proclaimed.

“No way they called?” I nodded until I realized that he couldn’t actually see me. “Congratulations! I feel a celebration is in order!” Suddenly, butterflies bounced in my stomach and I started to feel giddy.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“Are you busy right now? Do you want to grab coffee? I want to hear all about the audition.” I almost screamed aloud, but then I realized I was in the middle of a conversation.

“Sounds awesome! Do you want to meet at that coffee house we went to a few days ago, in an hour?”

“Sure see you then.”

“Can’t wait.” I said flirtatiously before hanging up the phone.

Now it was time to scream. But, before I could Maddie barged in jumping up and down.

“Guess what?” She asked me excitedly.

“Did you get a call back to?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Of course she got a call back. This was Maddie we were talking about here. 

“Ya! And you did to? That makes this ten times better! We should go celebrate!” She proclaimed, while jumping up and down.

“Actually I already promised one of my friends that I’d go meet him for coffee.” I said, kind of sheepishly

“Oh awesome! I know it looks like I’m a little to hyper for caffeine, but I’m craving a latte right now! Let me just change out of my sweats.” Before I could tell her that she wasn’t invited she had already sprinted to Chloe’s room to get changed. Maybe it’s better that I didn't tell her, after all this was her victory to. However, I was looking forward to spending some alone time with James. It wouldn’t be an official date or anything, but it would be the perfect opportunity for him to ask me on one, that is if he liked me the way I liked him. He was two years older then me, but I know that Mackenzie dated a boy on the senior company that was three years older than her. Age is but I number.

Once we both changed out of our “lazy-day” clothes we walked out the door and onto the streets, where Maddie proceeded to flag down a cab with her navy flower-printed scarf, like a maniac. She was wearing a cute red summer dress that reached above her knee, a jean jacket and navy Keds. Maddie was always on cue when it came to fashion trends. She was always dressed perfectly. If I were her I’d be freezing in that dress, but not even the slightest bit of goose bumps appeared on her legs. I was wearing jeans, a flowy green blouse with a grey cardigan over it, and my tan Sperry Top-Siders.

When we reached the café I immediately saw him through the window. He was reading one of the magazines that the staff left on the table, but I couldn’t make out what it said. The butterflies reappeared in my stomach, but there was no time to calm them. Maddie was already pulling me by the arm over to the entrance. Just like the breakfast place we ate at two days ago, she was in awe over the atmosphere.

“I thought they had places like this in L.A.” I told her jokingly.

“I bet they do, but I’ve been working so hard that all I’ve ever seen is craft services and a few restaurants around the set, and they’re nothing special.”

James’ emerald eyes locked with mine while he stood up to greet us. When he saw Maddie he gave me a puzzled expression, but it would all be explained in a minute. 

“Hey James! This is Maddie, one of my best friends from Pittsburg. She’s visiting me for the next week or so.” Before he could say anything Maddie shot her hand out.

“Hi! I’m Maddie! Sorry Kendall didn’t tell you but she didn’t know I got the call back too until after she talked to you so she wouldn’t had known that we both needed to celebrate.” She said quickly. Maddie always had a perky nature to her talking. I always envied that.

“Oh uh hi nice to meet you to. My name’s James.” He took her hand and they seemed to look at each other a little longer then I would’ve liked, but I shrugged it off.

“So why don't you live in New York with Kendall and – wait don’t tell me.” James exclaimed, obviously embarrassed that he forgot.

“I’m not in New York with Kendall and Chloe –“ she said the name with a giggle, “- because I’m shooting a movie in L.A.”

“That’s amazing! Hey guys what do you want to order, it’s on me.”

 “I’m pretty sure two lattes.” remembering Maddie’s order from before.

“Got it! Oh Maddie what’s your movie about?” He asks her while walking over to the counter to order.

“It’s about a group of friends from a Preforming Arts High School that all go their separate ways to follow their dreams...“ Maddie proceeded to tell him about the plot of her movie while walking with him to the counter, leaving me all alone.

My phone started to buzz from my jean pocket. My screen was filled with a goofy selfie of Chloe with her tongue sticking out of her mouth and a banner below that read One New Message. When I clicked on it I saw a picture of Chloe standing on a dock in a sparkly peach top and white short shorts. In the corner I could see Christi’s thumb that must of accidently covered part of the camera. The caption read “See you in 2 days!” I couldn’t wait to see my roommate again. Maddie’s great but I couldn’t handle that bundle of perfect on my own for much longer.

When I turned to check on Maddie and James I saw Maddie peering right over my shoulder.

“Is that Chlo! She looks so pretty and so tan! Send me that picture it’s so cute!” I noded and proceed to send it to her. When I looked back up a second time I saw James struggling to balance everyone’s drinks in one hand and his muffin in the other. I laughed at him at first. then stood up to help him. But, before I could Maddie was already over there laughing with him and now holding both of our lattes.

We all chatted while we drank our lattes, or in James’ case his cup of coffee. We told him all about our audition and about the calls we received, not forgetting to miss any details, at least Maddie didn’t. I wasn’t as chatty as I usually am, but they didn’t notice. When it started to get dark, and our cups were empty, we said our goodbyes and left.

After getting home all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and go to sleep.

“James seems really nice and I think he has a crush on someone!” Maddie exclaimed while nudging me slightly.

I produced a fake smile and replied, “Night Maddie.” while shutting my bedroom door behind me. I climbed into bed not even bothering to change, thinking about my life in Pittsburg and how I actually thought it would be different here.

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