Chapter 22 - 23

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Chapter 22

Cheryls POV

The tears are literally streaming down my face. I just can’t stop crying. I’m such a fool! I actually believed Nadine. ‘Officer Coyle’. Well, she isn’t quite the good cop. She’s more of a good, no, great liar. 

I really thought she wanted to save Kimberley, as she saved me last time.

But not only Kimba and me are victims. A lot of the girls in here, probably, and not to forget the whole police corps. Every officer there wants to catch this gang, and one of their best detectives owns the whole sh!t. 


How long would she have been living this double life? 

Although she kept her own name for both lives, that guy who walked in earlier also called her miss Coyle. IF… that’s her real name in the first place…

While I’m still sobbing, the door suddenly opens and a girl looks around. 

When the blonde sees me sitting, she quickly closes the door, but someone stops her. “Who is that crying in here?”I hear a voice on the hallway, and it sounds surprisingly familiar. “Kimberley?”I whisper, and even before I’m finished, the girl storms in the room and hugs me tightly. I hold her, and it feels so good I don’t ever want to let go again.

I haven’t seen her for such a long time.

Now that I have Kimberley here, I feel warm and full again, fearless.

To my sadness she lets go of me, and I feel the fear slowly coming back.

I do have Kimberley now, but we’re still stuck in this awful place.

And then I notice another girl, standing near the door, all quiet.

As soon as I see the shy redheads face, I grab Kimberley and pull her closer to me, as some sort of protection.

“Ni-Nicola?”I whisper, and the girl nods.

“Cheryl, I-I…” she starts, but I interrupt her.

“No.”I simply say, shaking my head. “Just go away.”

Nicola has tears in her eyes, and Kimberley lightly squeezes my arm.

“Cheryl, she’s changed.” She whispers in my ear. “What do you mean?”

Kimberley strokes my arm softly. 

“She’s told me her whole story, she doesn’t long to be here. The three of us were planning to escape, and now we ran into you!”

Nicola nods heavily, and I believe her. Of course Kimberley would never lie to me.

I open my arms and me and Nicola hug. I’ve really missed her too actually.

“I’m so, so sorry, Cheryl!”she sobs.

I pet her arm. “It’s okay, babe.”

Then the blonde steps forward. “Well, I can conclude you’re Cheryl, and I’m Sarah.”

She smiles and I hug her too.

We all sit down on the bed.

“Well, all that’s left now, is a plan to escape.”Kimberley sighs.

“Yes, we need one. I don’t think I’ll be able to go through this again.”

I sigh and hold on Kimberleys hand tightly.

“Babe, we’ll get out of this, I promise.”She kisses my hand softly.

“How did you even get here?”Kimberley asks me with a worried look on her face.

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