The Day I Met One Direction (A 1D Fan-Fiction)

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Codi Greene was a normal 15 year old. Not really a directioner but she didn't mind there music.

One day her and her best friend, Nikol who was 16 and a major directioner, win tickets to a One Direction concert in New York. They go there of course and accidently land the room across from the people they were there to see.

The boys have a dark secret that Codi accidently finds out about. They can't leave her alone knowing something that could ruin them.

Soon two of them start to fall for her. But can she forgive the people that changed, and almost ruined, her life forever.


For a pic of Codi see cover.

Ok something is up with my wattpad and it keeps deleting my stories so I've made another copy of this story and my other one so hopefully nothing happens.




~Stay Awesome

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