Chapter 5: Memories

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Louis’ POV

It’s been a few days since Harry’s graduation party and he’s still not back. I’m far past not worrying. I’ve called and texted him multiple times but he hasn’t responded to any of the attempts.

I pace the living room and attempt to call Harry again. It rings three times then goes to voicemail. I let out a sound of distress and sit down on the couch with my head in my hands.

Why didn’t I get Nialls number? I’m sure they’re out somewhere having fun but I’m worried. Harry should have told someone first before he left. He knows how stressed I get when I don’t know where he is. After what happened with our parents I’m always afraid that something might happen to Harry when I’m not with him.

I know I’m probably over reacting but when you see your parents unconscious and being taken away from you, possibly dead, it gives you the right to worry. Harry's a cat hybrid just like his parents and they were taken away. The same thing could happen to Harry right under my nose and I don’t want that to happen.

I clench my eyes shut. I just want to shut off my brain. I don’t want to be having these thoughts.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my back. I look up to see Zayn smiling down at me sorrowfully.

“Listen Lou, I know you’re worried about Harry but I’m sure he’s fine. He’s most likely out with some friends, having a good time, there’s no need to stress yourself out so much.”

I nod my head in agreement. I over react to much and I need to take things down a notch.

I take my head out of my hands and weakly smile up at Zayn.

“I’m going to go take a nap. I’ve been having trouble sleeping the past few days and I’m exhausted.” I say while standing up from the couch.

Zayn nods his head in understanding and moves his hand from my back.

I stand up from my position on the couch and head upstairs to my shared bedroom with Harry. When I enter it was just like normal. A complete mess on my side, and nice and organized on Harrys side. I sit down on my bed and grab the photo album on our shared nightstand. I flip it open and start looking at the pictures.

The first one was of Harry and me with both of our parents. I had my arm wrapped around Harry and had I huge goofy grin on my face. Harry had a large grin on his face too. His dimple was much defined because of his chubby cheeks. We looked so happy. I flipped through a few more pictures 'till I got to one that I absolutely loved. I was 16 at the time while Harry was 14. Harry and I had our arms wrapped around each other. We were both dripping wet and completely covered in sand. I remember the day clearly.

“C’mon Pup lets go do something fun. I’m board and hot.” Harry groaned from his position lying down on the couch.

"What do you want to do then?"

Harry sat up quickly with a bright smile on his face.

"Why don’t we have a water gun fight? We can even mess with the girls outside."

I thought for a moment. It wasn’t such a bad idea. So I nodded my head in agreement. We both ran to the garage and grabbed our choice of water gun.

“Prepare to be vaporized Styles!” I shouted while running out of the garage to fill up my water gun.

I ran to the kitchen sink and started filling up the tank on the water gun. When it was full I walked out the back door, being careful to keep a look out for Harry.

Suddenly I felt a cold wetness on my back. I turned around quickly only to get my front side drenched too. I flipped my water gun up to start squirting Harry but I barely got him since he ran around the corner of the house.

I quickly ran the corner too but when I made it to the other side Harry was gone. Not wanting to get surprise attacked again, I ran over to our old swing set and hid behind it. I then waited for Harry to come around either side of the house.

When Harry finally appeared I waited till he got close enough to me then I jumped out and squirted him madly with my squirt gun.

Harry was taken by surprise at first then threw something at me. Before I could comprehend to move out of the way I was hit in the stomach with a missive water balloon. I hunched over from the force of the impact when all of a sudden another water balloon hit me in the back.

After I regained composure I stood back up and screamed a war cry then squirted Harry with all that that I had.

I started running towards Harry and when he noticed this he panicked and ran the opposite direction. I quickly ran after him, not paying attention to where I was going, and continued squirting him.

I kept gaining on him till I was about a foot away when I suddenly tripped, flying over and tackling Harry along with me. When we hit the ground I realized that I tripped on the edge of the sand box and we were now lying in the sand.

Harry then rolled us over, making sand fly everywhere.

I chuckled from my spot underneath Harry and pushed him off me. When I stood up I reached my hand out for Harry to grab and he did. After I hoisted him up I heard a shout. I turned my head to see Zayn standing by us holding a camera.

“Smile for the camera boys.”

I flung my arms around Harry’s waist and he put his around my shoulders. I then gave Zayn the best smile I could muster until I heard the click of the camera.

I smile at the memory of the water fight. If I remember correctly, after Zayn took the picture I had scolded Harry for cheating and using water balloons.

I continue flipping through the pictures 'till I feel drowsy, so I set them back down and lay down on my bed, letting sleep take over my body.


When I wake up from my power nap there is a pain near my right hip. When I reach down I find that I had gone to sleep with my phone in my pocket. When I slip my phone out of my pocket and look at it I see that I have a notification. It reads,

Missed Call:

Harry <3

I quickly dial Harry back and on the second ring he picks up.

“Hey H-“

“I need to make this quick so you have to listen. Got that Lou?” Harrys hushed but urgent voice calls out over the speaker.

I nod my head yes but then remember he can’t see me so I quickly say yes back.

“Ok Lou, you have to listen carefully. I'm pretty sure someone found out I’m part cat. They took me from the party and now I’m chained up in some cement room. I don’t remember who it was because I was knocked unconscious but I did wake up in time to see where we arrived. Remember that old warehouse a few towns over in the open field? I’m sure that’s where I’ve been taken. I’m not sure how much more time I have on this call but please come he-“

All of a sudden Harry stops speaking. I can’t stop the rush of my heart beat. I hear yelling and a slight shuffling then the line goes dead.

“Harry? Harry?!” I scream when all I hear is static.

A/N Holy fuck. That was intense… ok… this chapter is dedicated to the lovely, amazing, fantastic Nada aka @1lovelyimage because she loves this story and I especially made this chapter for her. Man you guys I cannot tell you how much I just want Harry and Louis to be together and have their first kiss. I’m just dying to write them having their first kiss. Maybe I should write a one shot. What do you guys think? I most likely will once I get an idea for a once shot that is. Would any of you be willing to give me any ideas? I would greatly appreciate it :) Love yous!

Little Secrets~ Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry Puppy!Louis {ON HOLD INDEFINITELY}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz