Where's Noah

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I started crying my eyes out and Jai ran up the stairs and started screaming. I went up after him and tried calming him down. "Jai, come here" I pulled him one for a hug. He Held me tight and cried into my shoulder. "We have to find him" he said. I wiped his eyes and we headed downstairs. "Mum where was he when you left him" I asked. "He was in his bouncer crying" she replied. "Really. Was anyone here" I asked. "Yeah, Daniel was here but I don't think he is anymore" she said wiping her tears. "Jai" I said walking in the lounge room and sitting next to him. "Yeah" he frowned. "My mum said Daniel was here, what if he took him for a walk or something" I asked. "I'll call him" he said grabbing his phone.

Daniel - hello

Jai - hey do you have Noah

Daniel - yeah your mum is a little drunk so I thought it was better for him to get some air

Jai- oh thank god. We were so worried

Daniel - oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming to pick him up yet

Jai - it's okay I understand why you did it

Daniel - do you want me to bring him back

Jai - just take him to mine and Ari's house, we're heading there now

Daniel - okay, I'll see you soon

Jai - bye

"Daniel has him, he's on his way to our house now so let's go" he said. "Okay I'll get his things" I replied. I walked over and grabbed his bag and bouncer. "Bye mum, we will see you later okay" I said hugging her. "But what about Noah" she asked. "Daniel has him" I replied. "Okay good. I'll see you later bye honey" I  walked out and got into the car, Jai sped his way to our house. When we got there Daniels car was on the driveway. "Daniel" we both yelled as we opened the door. "Thank god your here, Noah disappeared" he had tears coming down his face. "What, again" I yelled. "Yeah come on let's go find him" we ran out the door and Daniel drive us around. "How did he disappear." Jai asked. "I put him in the cot then I got this note" he handed me a note.

We took Noah, your precious baby, you won't be getting him back until you give me Ari. I know Daniel brought him here but this message is to Jai. So give me your girl Jai or you don't get Noah back.

I started crying and handed the note to Jai. He read it and scrunched it up and pulled his hair. "Babe I have to go" I said. "No I'm not losing you again, your the best thing that has ever happened to me, your not leaving" he half yelled. "But what about Noah" I said. "We're getting him back. I just don't know how yet" just then my phone rang.

Me - hello

Stranger - hello gorgeous, did you get my note

Me - your the one who took my son

Stranger - yes I am

Me - why

Stranger- because I want you back

Me - who are you

Stranger - trust me, we are close, you know me very well

Me - what

Stranger - well yeah, maybe we even dated. Maybe not

Me - who are you, tell me

Stranger - I can't do that but you have to bring yourself to me at the address I send to you and come alone.

Me - okay

Stranger - bye gorgeous, see you tonight

Me - bye

He hang up and soon texted me the address. "Who was that" Jai asked. "Don't worry" I said. He groaned and walked away. "Guys I think we should go home and come back tomorrow when it's light out, it's almost 2 in the morning" I said. "Okay I guess your right" Jai said and we turned around and headed home. Daniel stayed over to help us search for tomorrow. "Guys I'll be back in like half an hour ok" I said to the boys. "Where are you going" Jai asked. "To get some food" I quickly went out the door and drove to the place.

I knocked on the wooden door and seconds later, a guy with a mask came and pulled me inside. I heard crying and turned around to see a guy holding my baby. "Here, you can have him back, but you have to do something for me first. Boys go for a drive, we're gonna need some privacy" he had a mask on so I couldn't see his face. "What's happening" I asked shaking. "Don't worry princess, you know me I'm not gonna hurt you" he stroked my cheek which sent tingles down my body. "Who are you" I asked. "Hmm, your about to find out" he led me to a room which had a bed in it. He laid me down gently and stroked my forehead. "You feel hot, are you okay" he asked. I could tell he meant it too, I wasn't scared anymore. "Yeah, I just think I need to wash my face with cold water, do you mind" I smiled. "Sure babe" he took me to the bathroom and watched as I rinsed my face. "I really want you to be mine" he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist. "Really" I smiled. "Yeah, your so beautiful and perfect, I can't live without seeing your face" he then showed me his phone which had a picture of me at the front. "Aww that's cute" I said. I quickly kicked his balls and ran out the room grabbing Noah and running to the car,  putting him in his seat before he came out. I saw him chasing after me but I was already driving down the street. "What did I just get my self into." I said to myself.

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