Chapter 4: Expedition

Start from the beginning

"We haven't heard any news since a month ago. It's not becoming safe to use the sleep communication as frequently. What if we've missed something?" Kail pointed out. Also, why did we all of colored hair? Again, I tried to remember if my hair grew that way or if it was dyed. And again, I couldn't remember. What if it had something to do with the war, like one side all dyed their hair in an act of defiance or some shit?

"Also, it'd be cool to have more people over here. More like a party," Holli grinned. I tried to tune back into the conversation as I finished my sandwich, but by now I'd completely lost the subject and had no idea what was happening.

"Holli, this is a war," Pipe frowned. I could tell that she was being a killjoy, even though I didn't know what she was talking about.

"We can still have fun!" Holli pouted.

"So it's decided then? We'll head north and bring the other group in?" Kail confirmed.

"Yep," Holli nodded.

"Ugh, I guess," Pipe huffed, the voice of a killjoy.



"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go!" Kail started digging through the guns and passing them out. He gave me a small one that I frowned at. He sent me a warning glare, so I slung it around my shoulders and decided not to use it.

"So, like, where are we going?" I asked. Everyone sighed at me, like teachers to the kids who don't listen to instructions in class and accidentally glue the cut-outs on upside-down.

"Meeting up with another team. We're going to take them to the safehouse. The safehouse is where we are right now. Got it?" Pipe spoke slowly and sarcastically, pausing every few words like she was talking to a kindergarten kid. Bitch.

"Okay," I said, mocking her voice. She shot me an angry glare, then we all headed out into the streets. There were no soldiers until the next corner, since this was a residential area that paid extra to not have armed guards standing in front of every house, but I could still feel myself getting nervous. What if I died? What if a soldier noticed my florescent green hair and shot? Every moment could be my last. Man, I was really not cut out for war. Or sneaking. Or any of this violent stuff. I should have asked to stay behind at the safehouse and like, organize the guns or something. Or set out hot outfits that would make the enemies surrender out of shame at their own unfashionable-ness. Speaking of which, Kail was still wearing his prison uniform. It's like he was preparing for another stay. Or maybe he thought it made him look like the badass vegetable rock god he truly is.


After a few hours of seemingly endless wandering (even though Holli insisted she knew where she was going), we arrived at a long, gray building.

"This is it! It's where they've hid themselves!" Holli whispered excitedly. We continued around to the side of the building where a window stood open. Holli put her arm in and tapped the inside of the window four times. A tall kid with lavender hair arrived near the window, holding a gun warily.

"Holli, Kail, Spark, and Pipe?"

"That's us," Holli grinned. Apparently, she had taken the role of representative. "And you are...?"

"Raine. I'll bring the others around and we'll head straight out, okay?" Holli nodded, and Raine disappeared from view.

"So, was that a boy or a girl?" Kail piped up, his former jerkiness showing through.

"First of all, you're being kind of an asshole, second of all, Raine doesn't identify as either gender, and third of all, because I know you're going to ask, you can use 'they' pronouns," Holli huffed angrily. She was determined to be the best ally ever.

"Sorry! Didn't want to offend anyone when they got back!" Kail exclaimed angrily. Around the corner came three other people, one of them Raine, and the others two girls who looked exactly the same. All of them were taller than me, I noticed somewhat bitterly. The two girls behind Raine had dark, midnight blue hair and colorful makeup. I wondered where you get bright purple mascara and lipstick during a war, then remembered the whole time warp thingy that Kail had described me. They'd probably gotten the makeup the same way Kail had gotten Pipe's burger and energy drink.

"This is Gael and Ebony," Raine introduced. The two waved. They were each wearing colorful rings on their hands, as well as bright nail polish. I've really got to get in on that whole time warp shopping shit so I can be equally fashionable. And so I can force Kail into some clothes aren't prison uniforms. Yikes, that sounded a little creepy.

"Ready to head to the safehouse, guys?" Holli asked. The three newcomers nodded, and we resumed the (terrifying) trek back to the safehouse.

I noticed that whenever there was a stressful moment, like a soldier coming around the corner, everyone had a different response. Kail ducked to a spot that would give him the higher ground and pulled out his gun. Holli's hands flew to her two guns as she slipped into the shadows, but didn't draw unless she needed to. Pipe moved closer to the threat while flexing her muscles; some kind of intimidation method. Raine quickly flattened themself to the the wall, hoping not to be noticed. Gael and Ebony dropped to the ground, getting as close to the ground as possible, somehow moving perfectly in sync. And me? I just stood there, fear freezing me, until Kail pulled me out of the way.

Finally, we got to the block where the safehouse was.

"Almost there," Pipe whispered. We rounded the corner to the street that the safehouse was on, and all stopped dead in our tracks.

Where the safehouse had previously sat was a large, smouldering crater.

Oh, and to make the moment more fantastic, we were quickly being surrounded by soldiers. And my hands were glowing. In other words, we were completely, utterly fucked.

*Totally Fucked from Spring Awakening begins playing*

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