Who are you, where am I?

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As i was dreaming i heard a faint beeping noise that seemed to be getting louder and louder. suddenly the noise level around me grew louder i could hear people talking giving commands and asking questions whats going on? i thought to myself.

I groaned when lighed streamed into my eyes and the people around me stopped talking and everything around me grew silent i curiously oppened my eyes. i blinked a couple of times before i heard someone cough next to me. i sat up more and hissed in pain when my leg ached shaply.

The same person that coughed walked over to me and sat at the edge of my bed. He looked to be aged at about 38, had greying hair that was short and was wearing a proffesional looking dark grey suit with a lilac pocket handkerchief in his breast pockett.

He smled at me and said "hello brooklyn, my name is Mr. Mclavery i am the principal of this institute and would like to formally say hello and introduce myself. Now you are in the infirmary and the nurses have been taking good care of you, you had been in a car accident on your way back here from a trip out with your friend Amelia. i have been informed that you have suffered from anmesia i was just wondering if you can remember anything at all?"

"no im sorry i dont remember sorry, why does my leg hurt so bad and how long have i been here for?" i asked inquisitivly. 

"Not to worry like i said you are suffering fom amnesia and im so sorry to say but you had broken your tibia and you have been in the infirmary for 2 weeks so far, i will leave you to rest for now and will pop by later on and see how you are getting on now rest, and then the nurse will bw around shortly to get you your crutches and some clothes to change into then i will come and show you around the academy." he said kindly he then walked out the door.

Like he said the nuse brought me my crutches and showed me how to use them correctly then i had a shower after she wrapped my cast in a waterproof material so i wouldent risk it getting we then Mr. Mclavery arrived after i was dressed and presentable to shoe me around the academy which he told me i was a student in and that i have been attending and living in for the last 4 years which means im now i 5th year and as it is still summer break it means he and the therapist can help me recover some if not all my memory. He gavce me a tour of the dining hall, common room, gymnasium, library, showed me the classrooms and subject corridors and finally my dorm room who i was apparently sharing with amelia my best friend who sadly i dont remember a thing about...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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