Chapter 4

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"I don't know who these two are, your highness. But with your permission..." Alfonzo reached his hand over and drew his sword, holding it out towards the criminals in warning, "I'd be happy to teach them some manners." He stared the two down and stood his ground.

"Nyee hee hee hee hee! How gallant! How brave! How incredibly foolhardy!" Cole taunted him and narrowed his black eyes in a challenge for a move to be made. Audrey watched with wide eyes as the scene unfolded before her, tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword and stood tense, waiting for anything to happen. Alfonzo swung his sword through the air and took hold of it with both hands, moving into a stance that Audrey knew meant he was ready for battle. "Enough out of you!" He growled, taking a step towards the retreating chancellor, "My family has served the royal house for generations!"

Audrey could tell that he was done playing games, and knew that his next move would throw everything into chaos. Her heart was still pounding against her ribcage as she took a cautious step forward, not wanting to spark any unnecessary fighting. "Al be careful!" she pleaded, not wanting to see her brother get hurt, not to mention the two children that were still with them as well. Link and Zelda stood back behind him and looked at Audrey with fear in their wide eyes. She glanced back at them before looking at Alfonzo also with worried eyes. He furrowed his brow and gave her a swift nod before turning back to the two outlaws and tightening his grip on his sword. Audrey watched as Cole remained behind the dark man who hadn't spoken a single world since they had run into each other.

"Melodrama bores me." The chancellor wined, faking a yawn and giving his accomplice an expectant look. "Byrne, would you kindly dispose of this fool?" The man gave a low 'hm' in thought and tilted his head slightly to the side, observing Alfonzo closely. "This man speaks the truth, Cole. His movements are not those of an amateur." He watched Alfonzo with calculating eyes that made Audrey's spine tingle every time she dared to look at them. 'So he can talk' she thought, watching for him to make a move, 'and his name is Byrne...' the thought of him having a name was bizarre to her. He seemed so cold and distant from everything and everyone, with no human emotion or movement to be seen. He was a strange being indeed.....

Her thoughts were interrupted by his smooth, deep voice once again carrying through the air. "But he is only human" he spoke with an indifferent tone, implying that he was in fact not of the same race, and raised his metal arm at Alfonzo, readying for an attack. Audrey held her breath as the two stared each other down for a moment and then began to circle one another, studying the other opponent's movements.

Alfonzo made the first move, going in with an overhead swipe of his sword. 'Byrne', Audrey recalled his name, blocked the attack easily with his reinforced appendage and kept on doing so with each hit Alfonzo dealt. The clang of metal and grunts from the two were the only things that could be heard. Audrey watched every move they made, hoping that her brother would remain uninjured, and bit her lip in anticipation of the dual. Alfonzo advanced once again with an overhead swing and came down on the assailant's gauntlet harder than before.

Byrne paused for a moment to correct his footing and pushed back against the sword, now making the two evenly matched. It was a matter of strength and quick tactic that would change the odds. Both attempted to overpower the other, but were locked in a hold on each other's weapons. Alfonzo bared his teeth and pushed down even harder, "I told you, I will defend the princess at any cost!" He grunted out, staring his opponent in the eyes, unblinking and focused.

Byrne shifted at that, and took the upper hand in their matched hold, "And I told you, you're only human." He retorted, no sign of any strain or fatigue in his deep voice. Audrey knew things were about to change for the worse, and prepared to step in to try to help Alfonzo. But before she could reach them, things went even worse; Byrne bared down even more on Alfonzo and shifted so that the swordsman lost his footing. Audrey felt panic grip her as things changed to quickly for her to follow. Alfonzo gasped at the unexpected move, and tried to regain balance. But before he could come back around to block the next attack that was no doubt headed his way, Byrne spun around so fast Audrey had almost missed it, and jammed his elbow down into Alfonzo's exposed back, knocking him further to the ground. Byrne took the opportunity and hurtled his metal fist right towards Alfonzo's unprotected abdomen. The punch took the air right out of his body and he was flung several feet with a force he hadn't expected. He hit the top edge of their train and let out a pained yell as a sickening crack sounded through the air. He slid down the train's side and hit the ground on his knees, before falling forward to lay flat and unmoving.

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