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A/N: Sorry this took so long...but it's finally here! Sorry that this one is relatively short too, they'll start to get longer, I promise.

  You managed to stop your violent shaking and opened a single eye to look at the naga in front of you. He looked incredibly confused, with a hint of concern gleaming in his ocean-blue eyes.

"Uor nmph gming o humte?"

He frowned more visibly, unable to understand a word you said. Remembering that you had a gag on, you tried your best to signal to him to take it off. Eventually, he figured out that the gag was not a natural part of your body, he snaked around (no pun intended) and unfastened the gag from behind your head. Finally able to breathe through your mouth, you inhaled deeply.

"Th-Thank you..." You coughed, wheezing slightly.

"If you don't mind me asking, human, but what exactly are you doing he?" He inquired.

"Does it look like I want to be here?" You snapped at him. Realizing he was a little taken aback by how you spoke to him, you started to feel guilty, espcially since he had shown an intrest in helping you. And, he was a potentially dangerous creature, so it was the best not to poke at his anger, "Sorry..."
He was quiet for a few moments, processing your apology, "And why are you not in the best situation?"

"Because, I'm naga-bait. Some poachers hung me here to attract a naga." You explained.

"How unchivalrous, though, it appears that their plan has worked." He chuckled lightly, trying to undo the bonds around your wrists. When he finally got them to snap, you fell a short distance before her broke your fall with his tail, and gently set you down on the forest floor. You rubbed your sore wrists as you tried to get blood flowing back into your arms.

"Who are these 'poachers' you speak of?" The naga suddenly perked up, looking off into the distance, and into the dense jungle brush.

"Well, a poacher is a person who illegally hunts and kills animals. Usually for commercial gain."

"Are they actively watching you?" The naga was barely able to finish his sentence before something whizzed past one of his pointed ears and lodged itself into a nearby tree. He quickly moved over to the object and plucked it out of the bark. It was a small, cylindrical dart filled with fluid and adorned with a colorful, fuzzy tip on the end of it.

"T-That's tranquilizer dart!" You choked out.

"Excuse me?"

"We should probably get out of here!" Another dart grazed your skin. You felt incredibly lucky that it hadn't pieced your skin. You could hear indiscernible shouts in the distance, and the sound of real bullets being fired.

"This way." He whispered, slithering off in the opposite direction of the gunfire. You scrambled after him, barley able to keep up with his fast pace.

"Hey! Wait up!" You yelled after him, pushing all manner of plants and trees out of your way to just to keep a hint of him in your eyes so that you could follow him.

It must have been at least fifteen minutes since you had started running. You were forced to slow down due to your exhaustion. Ambling forward, you thought you heard water up ahead. The sound of water slowly grew louder and louder until you almost fell off of a ledge that hung over a raging river. The foaming rapids looking impassible by any means.

You almost screamed when someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"Oh geez, at least it's you." You sighed, looking over at the naga who had saved you, "Hey, why did you ditch me back there? You could have at least waited up."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're still being followed. But, I supposed I could answer your question. If the peachers were intending on harming me, they wouldn't bother with recapturing you. So, I took a more complicated route to get to the river. That way, you had a better chance of making it out of this situation alive."

"But, how did you find me?"

"I followed your scent it wasn't that difficult."

"Hey! I don't smell!" You snapped at him.

"No, no, scent! Not stench!" He corrected you.


"Every creature, human or animal has a unique and distinct scent to them, as do you." He commented plainly.

"Really..." You said, absolutely floored by how perceptive he was, "But how are we going to get away from these poachers?"

"We're going to have to cross the river."

"Are you insane!? We'll drown!" You yelped, "There has to be a way around!"

"Not for an incredible distance, you also seem to underestimate the swimming capabilities of my species."

"Well, what choice do we have!?" Panic started to set in. You had no idea where this creature was taking you and what his intentions for you were. A nearby tree branch was shattered as a bullet shot clear through it.

"None." The naga suddenly moved directly behind you, shielding you from the gunfire. "Get into the water."

You opened your mouth to protest, but you knew reasoning with him at this point was fruitless. There was only so much that could go wrong with you trusting him. Slowly and cautiously, you slid into the water, yelping as the strong current started to pull you downstream. You clung to a submerged root, which kept you hidden under the bank. The naga followed suit, lining up his tail along under the bank. His reddish-dusty colors blended in well with the soil of the blank.

He wasn't a moment to soon, as the heavy thump of boots resonated above you, small particles of dirt falling along with the noise.

"The hell did they go?"

The rushing water was freezing and up to your collar bone. Your fingers started to go numb as they clung to the root for dear life. A warm hand snapped you back to reality. The naga motioned for you to start moving as quietly as possible down water. Slowly, you inched down the river bank, only moving when you could find something solid to hold on to. The naga used his tail to support your progress.

You almost failed to quiet your squeaked when the rock your grabbed onto slipped out from the soil. With a record-breaking reaction time, he snatched you out of the current's clutches. The hybrid brought you flush up against the bank, as your plight had caused some splashing, which had caught the attenion of the hunters.

"Maybe the fled down the river."

With a sense of greater urgency, you and our new found ally started to work your way down the river again.

"Don't be a fool. Naga's aren't that smart. Besides, they'd drown if they tried to swim in the river." One of the poachers rammed something hard into the ground, causing a medium-sized chunk of dirt to crumble and fall into the river, revealing the presence of the overhang.

"Well, what is this?"

The naga moved so that his chest was against your back, and his arms around your waist. You squirmed a little in his grip, but he quickly had you settle. His lips brushed against your ear and barley whispered.

"Take a deep breath and hold on tight."

Just after you filled your lungs with enough air as they could possibly carry, the auburn-haired naga dipped both of you lower into the water, letting the soft current under the bank drag you along a little farther before he acted.

With a surprising amount of strength, the naga propelled himself into the current. Despite the sound of swirling water penetrated your sense if hearing, you could've sworn you heard bullets just mere inches away from you.

You gasped as the both of you broke the surface of the rapids. It was only for a moment, as he dove back into the water. All you could do was cling to the naga for dear life as he swam expertly through the chilling waters.


It felt like you had been in the river for years, even though it was probably more like twenty minutes at the most. After reaching a part of the river that was actually very calm and slow, the naga drifted over to it. He dragged both of you up onto a sandy bank. You stood up slowly, shivering and chattering, After shaking the water off of himself, the naga noticed that you were looking miserable.

"Are you alright?" The naga asked, coming over to you and bending over to your height. You nodded, though, it didn't convince him very well.

"We still need to cover more ground until we're safe, please, follow me." He inched forward, giving you some time to start to keep up with him.

As the two of your worked your way though the dense rain forest, the naga was not only looking out or the poachers who might still be following the two of you, but was also becoming increasingly concerned about your deteriorating condition. You had almost slowed down to a crawl, and were becoming increasingly lethargic.

When you tripped over an overgrown root, the only thing that saved you from face planting into the ground was the naga's quick reflexes. He instantly noticed that you were still quite cold, even though it had been quite a while since you had exited the river.

The naga opted to scoop you up into his arms and carry you like you were his bride. He slithered along hurriedly, trying to get you to his cave as soon as possible.


He set you down gently on top of a large rock, rather than taking you right into his residence. He wanted you to soak up the quickly fading rays of the sun before it fully set. While he tried to have you warm up, the naga figured it would be best if he reconstructed his nest, as your would need a soft and warm place to sleep tonight. It was mostly constructed from soft grasses and other plants, but had many animal pelts, some feathers, and other soft materials. For you to have the whole nest to yourself would be like sleeping on a queen sized bed. But, he intended to share the space with you, so that you could receive his body heat throughout the night.

He pulled back, quite satisfied with his work, the nest was tucked away in the deep recesses of the cave, where nobody could find you.

He quickly went over to where you were resting and collected you into his arms, just as the last sliver of sunlight passed over you. The naga slithered into the cave and up to the nest, placing you delicately into the center of the nest. He worked himself into it after you, making sure to cover you with a pelt and curl his coils around you. After filling out the spaces in the nest with his tail. After making sure you were comfortable, he settled down and closed his eyes, pleading that you would be alright when he awoke the next morning.  

Naga!Genesis X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz