Chapter 8

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THE DOCKING bay was right up ahead. Before Sabine could sprint straight ahead, however, Kanan's eyes widened. He seized her arm and yanked her aside.

"Kanan!" Sabine hissed as the Jedi dragged her behind a building. "What are you doing?!"

Kanan peered around the building's permacrete corner, then quickly stepped back, stared down at Sabine, and whispered warningly: "If you thought there were a lot of troopers back there, then there are twice as many here."

Sabine processed that for a moment, then swallowed. "I'm glad you saw them before I ran in there," she said hoarsely.

"Me too," Kanan agreed, his eyebrows scrunched together, as they often were. "But that's not all, either." He lowered his voice even more. "I'm pretty sure I saw Agent Kallus out there, too."

"You mean that guy who tried to kill Zeb?" Sabine whispered after a moment, horrified.

"Yeah," Kanan confirmed, then began counting on his fingers. "And who tried to kill us when we were trying to save those Wookies who weren't there, and who tried to kill us on Kessel, and who tried to kill us on Empire Day, and who tried to kill us when we met up with Gall Trayvis that one time, and..."

"Okay, okay, Kanan, yes," Sabine interrupted. "He's tried to kill us a bunch of times and he's really horrible. I get it. But we need to stay focused."

Kanan frowned, wondering slightly if Sabine was discreetly mocking him. "Right. Sorry." He folded his arms, another habit of his, and thought for a moment. Then he glanced at Sabine and smiled mysteriously.

"Please tell me you have a plan that doesn't involve us getting killed," grumbled Sabine. "Just this once."

Kanan raised one eyebrow. "One, my plans have never gotten any of us killed. Narrowly, but not quite. Two, I do have a plan, which should be relatively simple - if you happen to have a miracle on you?"

Sabine's light brown eyes sparkled from underneath her helmet. "Always."


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