Part 32

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"What do you mean fun?" I ask, although I'm scared of what the answer was going to be.

"You're going to tell me every single detail of what happened between you and Alannah. If I think you're lying, I hurt you." Alan informs me of the rules.

"You're keeping me from her, I don't know if she's alright; believe me that's hurting me more than you will ever know."

"Did she tell you the things I did to her?"

"I thought she told me everything, then I saw the photos she took. Turns out there's a lot she didn't tell me."

"I'm not proud of the things that I did to her, I can't explain why I did them but I couldn't stop myself."

"She challenged you and that made you angry, so you took it out in the form of beatings towards her."

"You've seen cases like that before I take it."

"More than you would think."

"Is it genetic?"

"There's been studies, but nothing has been proven. It's hard to know what makes you think the way you do."

"My brother was arrested for raping and killing someone. My dad used to hit my mum; maybe I was destined to become what I've become."

"A serial killer." The comment catches Alan's attention as he turns to look at me. His eyes looking through me, he hadn't faced the reality of what he has been doing. He hasn't realized what he was until now.

"I didn't want to kill those girls, they just reminded me of Alannah so much. I knew she was away with you guys and it made me mad that she wasn't with me. I'm her boyfriend, I'm meant to come first."

"I don't know what I'm meant to say to make you feel better. You want to hear me say that it wasn't your fault but it was. You were the one that did those things; you could have taken your anger out on a punching bag, instead you took it out on Alannah and five other innocent women.

My argument gets a chuckle from Alan. "You think I only killed five women? Try fifteen."

My mind is working through the confession Alan had just told me. "You hid your tracks well, I'm impressed; but you need to turn yourself in and be held responsible for what you did."

"You see that's the thing, I fully intend on taking responsibility for my actions, once I finish with you." Alan's eyes glisten in the dull light, the smirk on his face send chills through me as thoughts race through my mind about what he was going to do to me.



"Is there anymore news." I ask for what feels like the millionth time in the past ten minutes.

"No not yet. Have you come up with any ideas on where Alan might have taken Reid?" Hotch asks as he walks through the door of Garcia's office.

"I don't know he never really took me anywhere personal. I guess there's the Uni where we met but we would know if he was there, we would have found the car." I try to think but my brain is still confused, I can't think straight.

"We found his mother, we're taking her in to see if she can shine any light on Alan." Hotch lets me know the plans.

"His mother hates me." I sigh.

"Why?" Garcia sounds intrigued to know why his mother didn't like me.

"She always thought I was bad for him, she was always trying to get Alan to dump me but Alan never did." I think back to everything his mother did to try and break us up, yet Alan never left me. I always thought he would be there for me; how wrong was I?

"I want you to interview her."

Hotch's words catch me by surprise. "Me? But why?"

"You know the family better than any if us, you will be able to get more of a read from her; you already have a connection with her." Hotch explains his orders.

"I don't think she will open up to me Hotch." I think over what I could possibly say to  her but she always hated me so I couldn't think of anything.

"I think you're our best option. See what she knows, does she know that you and Alan have been having problems? You might be able to convince her that the baby is Alan's if she doesn't know about Spencer."

I look at Hotch, he hates lying to the families; yet here he was telling me to lie. "Are you sure? If she catches me on a lie then she could close off even more."

"I'm sure, we need to find Reid before Alan can hurt him too much."

I know Hotch is right, but having Spencer's life in my hand was scary and made me feel as though I was the only one who could save him.


"Get out of the car!" Alan orders as he lifts the gun and gets out of the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I watch him walk around to my side of the car.

"I said get out!" Alan shouts as he pulls the door open and drags me out of the car, sending a wave of pain shooting through my body from the gunshot in my leg.

"You don't have to do this Alan."

"I know I don't have to, but I want to."

"You said you were sorry about all the pain you caused Alannah, killing me will kill her, leave her as a single mother, is that what you want to do?" I ask as I manage to pull away from him, falling against the car to steady myself on my wounded leg.

Alan turns to look at me, his eyes wide and unblinking as he thinks over what I said. "Did she want to hurt me when she slept with you? Or when she lied to me and told me that the baby was mine? You keep trying to stop me from hurting her, but she hurt me. I may not show it but I do love her, I thought she was having my baby, you might not believe me but I would have changed, I would have been a good father."

"If you loved her then you wouldn't have abused her. The only reason she came to me is because you pushed her away."

"I didn't mean to push her away, I wanted her to be happy, to start a family with her. I got a glimpse of that today and then it was all snatched away from me because of you. So now, you're going to pay; if I can't have them, then neither can you."

Alan grabbed my arm and starts to drag me into the building. He pushes me through the door, causing me to fall to the floor; I have to stop myself from crying out in pain, not wanting to give Alan the satisfaction. I look up to see the room, it was old, decrepit. It looked like an abandoned kitchen. "Where are we?" I ask.

"You don't need to know that. All you need to know is that I'm gonna teach you what happens when you mess with someone else's girlfriend." Alan places the gun down the back of his jeans before lifting a dusty knife that was sitting on one of the benches. He places the tip of his index finger onto the point of the knife, spinning it around in his hand. "You won't be doing that again anytime soon." Alan says, his eyes shoot to me, the creepy glare in his eyes giving me goosebumps as I look at him play with the knife.

Chasing Happiness: Volume 2: Yours Always (Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt