Chapter two

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" AAAAAAAA!!!!" the screams of the running children could be heard from down the street. Lucy laughed. " hehehe. How many did you get?" A blue haired mermaid asked her friend ( * cough * BOYFRIEND * cough cough*~ admin
* gives admin water*~ story
.... O.Ò ....~ admin * continues *~ story )
Her black haired pirate was carrying the mermaid and had the sweets on her lap. " I got all that fat kid's sweets😂😂 " he replied " I bet there's only wrappers 😂😂😂" she remarked " well well who'd of guessed that you'd be doing this ➖〰➖" Erza walked up to them " gajeel and levy sitting in a tree ➖🔻➖ k.i.s.s.i.n.g!" she sang as the two mages became increasingly pissed off. " ^^ gajeel kun and levy-Chan have matching outfits ➖〰➖ Juvia is suspicious." The corpse bride looked at them both. " well so do you and ice brain. " the iron mage stated, with a lollipop in his mouth. " but that's different. 😏" Erza said. " well are we gonna go to pick up the rest or what?" Gray asked, slowly taking off his tie. " do you even know when your taking your clothes off?" Lucy noticed "Eh?.... Oh " he quickly put it back on.
" yeah let's go!" Erza began to run down the street " to jellal's House!" After a few short minutes of walking and catching up to the exited Erza, they made it to his front door. She knocked on and his little sister, dressed as a ghost replied. " trick or treat! We need free sweets!" Erza cheered, holding out her bag. "... Your too old " she said, looking up and giggling.
" I'll never be too old to go trick or treating! Now put the candy in the bag kid •^•" she held it out once more. ( that was so me yesterday😂😂~ admin)
The others waited behind the gate of his house. " is she asking for candy? O.Ò" Lucy watched. " that's not how you do it! Your supposed to scare them!" Gajeel stated. "➖🔻➖💧.... That isn't how you are SUPPOSED to do it gajeel-kun" juvia said, seeing his full sack of candy. ". 😏 Well does Jellal counts as a treat?" Layla asked. "...... OF COURSE NOT JUST GIMMI THA SWEETS! ò^ó" she was now shaking her bag in front of layla. " fine you get ONE" she put in a maoam then put the sweets back. Erza was satisfied. For now.

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