First Encounter

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It was a warm day in September, about a month into the new school year. I woke and the sun was shining, glancing at my clock I shut off my alarm. I rummaged through my closet trying to figure out what to wear. I decided on white shorts, a tight red shirt, and black sneakers. Walking into my bathroom I stopped and looked horrified at the frizzy mess of light brown flowing down my back. I quickly brushed my hair, and straightened it before pulling back into a high ponytail. I walked down the hallway, stopping at the hall closet to pull out my plain black backpack. My mom was sitting at the dinning room table, sipping her coffee, and typing on her computer.
"Good morning, mom." I said smiling and placing my backpack on the floor.
"Good morning, sweetie." My mother smiled, not looking up from the computer. I walked into the kitchen, pouring coffee into travel mug, and grabbing my keys off the key rack, and my purse from the counter.
"Bye mom." I pulled one strap of my backpack onto my should and the strap of my purse onto the other.
"Bye." I heard her reply, as I closed the door behind me. I quickly walked down my porch steps, and to my car opening the door I threw my stuff into the back and turned the key in the ignition. I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road to Denise's. She was standing outside waiting for me, and smiled as she threw her stuff on mine slid into the passenger seat.
"Hey Lily." She smiled, and brushed my bangs from my face.
"Hey Dee." I smiled, taking a sip from my coffee.
"We gonna go get breakfast?"
"Are you paying?"
"Sure." I backed out of her long driveway. I drive down to the McDonald's and we got breakfast before heading to school. I parked in the upper parking lot, school wasn't supposed to start for another hour so we ate our breakfast slowly. We got out of my car and walked inside the school.
"Does your mom have to work tonight?" Dee asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Cool, so can I come over?"
"Do you want me to bring anything?"
"Yeah I'm out of rum, you should get some of your mom's." I stated plainly, and a little to loud, because a freshman turned and stared at me. I winked at him and he blushed, which made Dee and I laugh.
"Okay, and I can bring my new boyfriend over so you can meet him." She smiled happily.
We parted ways and I walked to English, to make sure I got my seat in the back. I sat there thinking, and doing the math homework I had forgotten the night before. Slowly kids started wandering in. Charlie, a boy whose had a crush on me since 6th grade, sat next to me. He wasn't bad looking but I had never really thought he was cute, and he pretty much just annoyed me. During middle school I had lead him on, getting him to steal alcohol for my parties. He was like a little puppy dog, I felt kind of bad when I told him I didn't like him, he cried. But he still followed me around, and if I wanted him to he would probably still buy me party supplies, but I don't talk to him much more than a hello.
"Hi Lillian." He smiled at me.
"Hello Charlie." I didn't look up from my book.
"How are you today?"
"Fine, Charlie." I rolled my eyes.
"Well that's good, I'm good today, cause I get to see you." The cheerfulness of his voice, and how cheesy his words were made me want to hurl.
"Gross Charlie."
"I love you too." He whispered, almost inaudible.
"Good morning, class." Mr. Howlered, beamed. I glanced up and pretended to listen as he droned on about the homework.
"Ms. Love, what's the answer to number 3?" I grimaced.
"Alliteration." I rolled my eyes, answering. I hated my last name. After class was down I quickly walked down the hall, toward my free period. I tripped. All of a sudden I was on the floor, my books scattered on the floor.
"Damn it!" I yelled, quickly trying to clean up my things.
"Sorry." A deep unfamiliar voice stated.
"Um... it's fine." I glanced up. Oh my God! He was tall, broad, wavy black hair flowed slightly past his shoulder, and his piercing black eyes stared down at me. I quickly stood, noticing the students had dispersed from the hall way, we were alone, and he was gorgeous. Butterflies flapped in my stomach, and I felt blushed.
"Sorry again." He smirked, nodding slightly and walking off.

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