Chapter 5- This Is Not Me

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Author's Note-  A big thanks to SnowAngelWriter for helping out with the writing :) I will definitely go back and fix up the earlier chapters!

So, thanks again :)


Sapphire's POV

The hospital ended up calling my parents to come pick me up. I am less than happy to see them. I mean come on; they had the nerves to tell me, to my face, that I wasn't even supposed to be born? That's not something any person wants to hear!

I was deep in thought until I heard the door opening, snapping me back into reality.

The nurse smiled sweetly at me and told me that my parents were here. I just nodded and turned my head to face the wall.

My parents walked in and had a look of worry on their faces. Yeah, I bet it's all a charade. My dad walked over to my side and took my hand in his. I looked him in the eyes, hoping to show all the hate that filled my eyes, and pulled my hand away from him.

My dad stood there shocked. He then sighed and softly said, "Honey, we're gonna take you home and then your mother and I have to go on a business trip."

Ha! "Business trip" where have I heard that one before.

I stood up from the bed and walked right past my dad. As I walked by my mom, she had small tears coming down her pale cheeks. I got a guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach, so I got her attention and gave her a weak smile. She smiled back and wiped her tears.

"Just because you were a mistake, doesn't mean I don't love you sweetheart." she said in a shaky voice.

I nodded and walked out of the room.

The car ride home was silent. I loved it because it gave me time to think. My mind automatically went to Colton. His perfect smile. The way he had held me. How he just left me... I shook my head and quickly pushed the thoughts of Colton away before the tears could build up in my eyes.

Why was i all of a sudden being so emotional? This is not me!

He left and I was never going to see him again; there was no point in feeling like this.

I need to forget him.


Author's Note- Hope this chapter was better :D was it longer?

Thanks for reading my story ^.^ it makes me smile seeing reads go up :D




Fan? <3


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