The Replacement

187 1 3

Chapeter 1

Well for starters, my name is Jessica. Jessica Marie Morales, but people call me Jessie for short. I'm growing up in the life style that most kids my age will die to have. The rich family, big house, servants, no rules, and get whatever whenever I want. However, for some reason it isn't that big to me. My best friend Veronica always say, "C'mon Jessie, stop being a party pooper and appreciate the life you're living. I know you wouldnt want to be poor or homeless like other kids at our school." For me it's opposite! I feel like you dont need all this expensive items or clothing to make who you are. You should know who you really are without money, but that's just me.

To let you know more about me, I am 16 years old. I go to Democracy Prep Charter School, I'm a junior. Im part Puerto Rican, Italian, and White. My mother, Maria Gonzalez- Morales is Puerto Rican, and my father Gregory Morales is half Italian and half White. For me being more Latin than American, I look more "American." I am very light skin with Honey Dew curly hair, and yes Honey Dew is my real hair color. My eyes are light green during Spring and Summer, but turns dark gray in the Fall and Winter. I was born on the sunny June 25, 1995. I am a full figured young teen.

I am one of the middle children. I have an older brother name Mathew; he's 18 and in college. I also have two younger siblings. Ginger and Isabella, Ginger is 14 years old and Ginger is 11 years old. I live with both my parents. I have 2 dogs, a shark, and a rabbit. My house is full. It's a 3 floor house plus a basement and attic, so 5 floors if you want to count the basement and attic. My house is organized into sections. The attic is for the pets; the "Pet Room." The 3rd floor is my parents "Island", the 2nd floor belongs to my younger sisters; the 1st floor is mainly the kitchen, living room, and then Mathew's room. The basement is my room, the "Biggest Room" in the whole house. My room is multiple rooms combined. I have my own bathroom, little kitchen, my own walk in closet, a little studio for my fashion designs, and a game room. My room is the best!

My best friends are Veronica and Kimberly. Veronica and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Our mother's were even best friends since they were little kids. Veronica and I have been through everything together, ups and downs. I have met Kimberly just recently, well maybe 2 or 3 years ago. We hit it off instantly in a fashion design class. It was hard to have Veronica AND Kimberly as my best friends because they're so different from each other, but I made it through with having them both as my best friends.

Tommorrow is the first day of school. I cant wait to see all my friends .

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