Chapter four

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Hey guys, adior again. Here is chapter four if you like a page don't forget to vote, comment and follow me, I'll follow you back. I present to you chapter four of precisely...

That risky naked trip from the bathroom to your bedroom.

Person: "what do you want for your birthday?"
Me: *forgets everything I have ever wanted*

When you say something awkward out loud and you think to yourself 'well, that sounded better in my head!'

Everyone pretends to not notice the money while they're "reading" the birthday card.

I love being in that mood when everything is hilarious.

Saying "I don't know" to everything when your in a bad mood.

That one person that kills the joke by making you explain it.

That mini heart attack you have when your foot misses one stair.

Dear paranoid people who check behind the shower curtains for murderers, if you ever find one, what's your plan?

I've always wanted to go into an elevator full of strangers and say, "you're all probably wondering why I gathered you here today."

Trying to complete a task before the microwave hits 00:00.

Me: Costa esta
Spanish guy: *starts speaking mad Spanish
Me: Man chill, Dora hasn't taught me that yet

Who says I can't cook, obviously you haven't tasted my cereal yet.

When I say "there's nothing to eat" I mean "there's nothing I like".

When people are like "I did that when I was little" I sit there thinking 'I still do that.'

I wish I had a theme song that played every time I did something awesome.

Periods are ridiculous. I shouldn't be punished for not being pregnant!

Saying "you had to be there" when you realize your story isn't funny.

A pizza is a circle. Cut into triangles. And put into a square box. #geometry

Admit it you should be doing something more important right now but you just decided to go on wattpad.

Maple syrup is tree blood.


hey guys, I'm sad to say this is the last chapter of precisely. If you liked it please don't forget to follow me comment & like the page thank you for reading along and I will be writing more books so don't feel bummed, thank you to the people who liked and commented on my pages it means a lot to me ♡♡♡

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