My chemythstry...partner?!

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Before reading,I want you to imagine Faira wearing the outfit above
Faira walked over to a table in her Chemythstry class,room 203. She looked at the person she was assigned to,and groaned. It was the guy who didn't believe in magic: Jasper...Jasper...something. Faira glared at Madame Baba Yaga as she smirked. The two have always hated each other.
Faira sighed as she took out the big Chemythstry hextbook and the supplies she pull need for the class today. (Just pretend it's a weekday)
Evanna Queen | Daughter of The Evil Queen | 16 (11th) @glitter-and-glam
Lillian Red | Daughter of Rose Red and Prince's Brother | 16 (10th) RainbowShipperGirl
Sylvia White | Daughter of Snow White | 15 (10th) @glitter-and-glam
Miriam | Daughter of Merlin | 18 (12th) @glitter-and-glam
Atlanta Triton | Daughter of The Little Mermaid and The Prince | 17 (11th) RainbowShipperGirl
Mary Hatter | Daughter of the Mad Hatter | 12 (7th) Kaptainkupkakez
Julia Hood | Daughter of Robin Hood and Maiden Marianne | 12 (7th) JPotterWeasley
Baron | Son of Beauty and the Beast | 14 (9th) JPotterWeasley
Adina Kingsley | Daughter of Alice | 15 (10th) JPotterWeasley
Penn Piper | Son of The Pied Piper | 13 (7th) bmason21
Helleney Smith | Daughter of Hansel | 13 (7th) BopperTopp
Gertrude Strombol | Daughter of Clara | 14 (9th) Cat_Gamer
Theadore West | Son of The Wicked Witch | 14 (9th) _The_Dark_Lord_
Jasper Wilson | Son of Jack | 17 (11th) JPotterWeasley
Jenson Camelot | Son of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere  | 17 (11th) RainbowShipperGirl
Kitty Cheshire | Daughter of The Cheshire Cat | 15 (10th) _The_Dark_Lord_
Neils | Son of the Nutcracker | 15 (9th) Cat_Gamer
Ashlee Sugarplum | Daughter of the Sugar Plum Princess | 16 (11th) neverland-roleplay
Jamie Frog | Daughter of the Princess and the Frog | 16 (10th) RainbowShipperGirl
Collin Frog | Son of Princess and the Frog | 16 (10th) RainbowShipperGirl

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