Looking for...an address

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Faira paced around her dorm,her curly hair bouncing in sync. A few weeks ago she found a book saying that the creator of fairytale worlds was still alive. Except she needed to find an address of a girl she use to go to Charming Charm School with. Then suddenly she had a thought. A mere memory of a the girl.
Faira was confused,until she looked out the window and saw Baron's dorm. He was done with his 500 page homework,and just finished when Faira saw him turn off a light. She widened her eyes. If he was able to have a memory of her without even thinking about her,what more when he is thinking about her!
Faira smiled,and was officially ready to jump from her dorm tower to his.

Evanna Queen | Daughter of The Evil Queen | 16 (11th) @glitter-and-glam
Lillian Red | Daughter of Rose Red and Prince's Brother | 16 (10th) RainbowShipperGirl
Sylvia White | Daughter of Snow White | 15 (10th) @glitter-and-glam
Miriam | Daughter of Merlin | 18 (12th) @glitter-and-glam
Atlanta Triton | Daughter of The Little Mermaid and The Prince | 17 (11th) RainbowShipperGirl
Mary Hatter | Daughter of the Mad Hatter | 12 (7th) Kaptainkupkakez
Julia Hood | Daughter of Robin Hood and Maiden Marianne | 12 (7th) JPotterWeasley
Baron | Son of Beauty and the Beast | 14 (9th) JPotterWeasley
Adina Kingsley | Daughter of Alice | 15 (10th) JPotterWeasley
Penn Piper | Son of The Pied Piper | 13 (7th) bmason21
Helleney Smith | Daughter of Hansel | 13 (7th) BopperTopp
Gertrude Strombol | Daughter of Clara | 14 (9th) Cat_Gamer
Theadore West | Son of The Wicked Witch | 14 (9th) _The_Dark_Lord_
Jasper Wilson | Son of Jack | 17 (11th) JPotterWeasley
Jenson Camelot | Son of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere  | 17 (11th) RainbowShipperGirl
Kitty Cheshire | Daughter of The Cheshire Cat | 15 (10th) _The_Dark_Lord_
Neils | Son of the Nutcracker | 15 (9th) Cat_Gamer
Ashlee Sugarplum | Daughter of the Sugar Plum Princess | 16 (11th) neverland-roleplay

Fairlina Queen | fairytale arts academy,a roleplayWhere stories live. Discover now