Fairlina Queen AUSISHIE

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*if you didn't know,I changed Evanna's name to Fairlina! I just felt like it was toooo descendants and I wanted more of an original character. Plus,i made it up 🤗*
❥Audition Form❥
❥full name: Fairlina "Faira" Queen
❥parents: The Evil Queen and ?
❥parents story: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
❥nationality: German
❥age: 16 and turning 17 in 3 weeks
❥grade: 11th

❥5 things about:
1. She has synesthesia,and she's never told anyone but her mother.
2. She LIVES dance,and goes to the studio (2 days a week,to be precise) almost more than she goes to the academy
3.  Not like other fairytale-parents would go,Fairlina lives in the Enchanted Forest,where monsters that can suck your soul roam,and beautiful trees glisten-literally glisten-in the sun.
4. On her 15th birthday,she will become Queen of The Enchanted Forest.
5. Half of the time,she wishes she has a happily ever after.

❥appearance: (okay,I know I said nobody can be model perfect,but I'm making her the fairest of them all,so I'm pretty sure that means flawless lol) She shares the title "Fairest of Them All" with Snow White's daughter,Sylvia White. Evanna has eyes as purple as the violets that grow in the enchanted forest,hair as dark as the night,and lips as red as santa's coat (lol that's weird but I like it XD)

❥any powers? (optional): She's been learning magic before she was even born,so I could not tell you all of them.

❥did you read ALL the rules?: duh,made them

❥tag 5 who may be interested: no need

❥tag me! @glitter-and-glam
❥use the hashtag #fairytale_arts_academy

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