Jeff (Clarence)

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So most people who are like me, who love Cartoons, would know the show Clarence that airs on Cartoon Network. I was watching TV like any old day and I found an episode of Clarence called Average Jeff. At the start of the episode he finds a lunch made by his mother, EJ, I just looked up Jeff on the Clarence Wiki and to me I did not know that Jeff has to mothers. The episodes that I have seen Jeff doesn't mention his mothers. Later one in the short clip he throws away the lunch that has been made by EJ so this leads to a confusing matter. Is it that he doesn't love his mothers like Clarence loves his Mother and boyfriend or is he mad at them because they obviously didn't adopt him because CJ looks a lot like Jeff so if anyone can fetch any information regarding Jeff and his family then I'll be internally grateful to you.

Please tickle that vote button (SORRY I HAD TO USE PAT'S LINE 😰.) and I'll see you in another chapter.


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