"No...we were gonna ask you the same thing." I groaned, Nialls answer not being the one I had hoped for.

"Don't worry, Jenna. He'll be there. He wouldn't miss tonight for the world. Not Harry."

"I really don't think he'll be there, Zayn. Whatever. I have to go. I have to get the most important night of my life over with. Harry or no Harry." I threw on my gown and grabbed my cap, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"School?" I answered Niall confused.

"Well obviously. But, how are you getting there? Need a ride?"

"No. Nate's taking me."

"Over my dead body. We'll take you." Zayn said stepping in my way.

"You guys. Seriously. I'm gonna be late."

"Not if we take you."

"Yeah." They were in agreement.

"MOVE. I'm not afraid to kick both of your asses...in a dress I might add." They exchanged a look and stepped aside. But, I should've known that wouldn't be the end of it.

"Why is he taking you anyway?" Zayn asked, his tone bitter.

"Because he's my walking partner, and my bestfriend."

"Oh, so I'm nothing to you then."

"Zayn. Don't be ridiculous. Goodbye. I'll see you on the field."


"Jeez what took you so long?" Nate asked as I ducked into the car.

"I was held up by...people."


"Niall and Zayn."

"Oh." He scoffed.

"Dude. Why do you all hate each other?!" I had had it.

"Hate's a strong word, Jenna. But, look from my side. This big pop star comes out of nowhere, starts to date my bestfriend, and tries to take her away from me for months on a world tour...and I'm supposed to be okay with that? I don't think so."

I didn't know what to say, so we sat there in the awkward silence of his tiny car before I finally spoke up. "I didn't realize you felt that way...or cared really."

"You don't think I care? Really? That's such a slap in the face. You're the biggest part of my life, Jenna. I love you."

"So does Harry."

"I loved you first."


"You may move your tassels...and congratulations class of 2013, you've now graduated!" The stadium erupted with cheers as we all threw our caps in the air.

"I can't believe this!" I said pulling Nate in for a tight embrace. "We did it. We actually did it!" I was holding back tears as he held me close, probably fighting tears as well.

"There's our girl!"

"Congrats grad!"

"You look beautiful!"

"We're so proud!"

"Congrats to you too, Nate!"

"Thanks, guys." Nate and I said to my family as they began to shower me with gifts, and even gave Nate a lei. I loved how they made him feel like family.

"I'm gonna go find my folks, Jenna. See you later?" I nodded and hugged him goodbye.

"Of course, pal." I watched him walk off to find his family with the worst feeling in my gut. "Nate!" He swung around at the sound of my voice, and I ran to him tackling him to the ground for old times sake.

"Jeez. What was that for?" He asked as I propped myself up on his chest.

"The thing is, you WILL see me later... But a lot later. I decided to go on tour with Harry." I could tell he wasn't happy. His face fell, his eyebrows furrowed. A look I'd only seen on him once before, and that was when his parents got divorced.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me.."

"I wouldn't make a promise I couldn't keep.." We stared at each other. Holding back tears once again. "Nate, I already packed my bags. "

"Isn't the first show in England? That's across the world, Jenna!" I just stared. "Know what? Have fun. But do me a favor, and don't call. Don't even come home. Enjoy touring with your fantastic boyfriend."

"Nate come on. Don't be like that." I said trying to stop him, but he wanted nothing to do with me, and pushed me to the grass. "Nate!" I watched again as he went to find his family.

"You're coming on tour?" I turned at the familiar voice.

"Yes, Harry."

Make It Work (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now