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What was there to be afraid of? A teenage boy with zero experience of girls? Nerves would get the better of him. Other than some aggressive leering, she didn't see much to be worried about. Of course, it would be a little awkward for her, but the red glare of embarrassment presented no more of a challenge to Susan than mild sunburn. He couldn't take her dignity if she didn't let him.

Susan looked him in the eye and tilted her head a fraction. "What's the matter? Backing out?"

Neil's usual ambivalent expression replaced the momentary look of confusion. "I'm game if you are. Little surprised though. Sure about this?"

Susan folded her arms across her chest. "Women have always had to do unpleasant things to get what they want. I'll do what I must to succeed in this pitiful, pitiful world."

A broad smile broke out on Neil's face, his lips pressed together, his shoulders shook.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Neil swallowed before speaking. "What? No, of course not. I just want you to know that I will not rest until your conquest of quadratic equations is absolute. Your sacrifice will not be in vain." He thumped a fist against his chest and bowed his head. His shoulders shook again.

Susan bit down on the corner of her lip to stop a smile of her own forming. Perhaps she had gone a little overboard. "You really are a pompous ass, you know that?"

Laughter burst out of his mouth. "Sorry. So, where do you want to do this?"

"Before we get to that, I want to say something."

"Another speech?"

"Shut up. I have three conditions. Non-negotiable."

"Okay," said Neil. "Go ahead."

She held up a fist and flicked out one finger. "First, you can't tell anyone."

He nodded. "Shouldn't be a problem. No one to tell."

Another finger flicked out. "Second, no touching."

"Had no plans to, but let's make it official." He raised his hands and wiggled his fingers at her. "Hands off."

"And last—" this time a thumb popped out "—no comments on my physical appearance. Good or bad, keep your opinions to yourself."

"Fine by me. I'd like to add one thing, though. Any time you want to end it, no matter what the reason, just say so and I'll leave."

"Thanks. That's very noble of you." She spoke with heavy sarcasm, but in truth it pleased her that he'd said it.


Wednesday, last period, double maths. They left the classroom together. No eyelids were batted. They took the bus to Susan's house. No words were exchanged.

"This is Neil," said Susan. "Neil, this is my mother. Neil's going to help me with maths. He's not hungry or thirsty, and he can't stay long, so no interrupting."

"Oh," said Susan's mother, "how nice. Delighted to meet you, Neil. She's never brought a boy home before."

You wouldn't sound so delighted if you knew what he's got planned for your daughter, thought Susan. She grabbed Neil's sleeve and pulled him away before her mother got into her stride.

Susan dumped her bag on the bedroom floor and left Neil standing there, looking around like he'd landed on the moon. She came back a few seconds later, wheeling a chair in front of her.

"This is my sister's, she's at uni. Don't change the height or anything, she gets pissy if I borrow her stuff."

Door closed, Susan took out a large, white t-shirt from a drawer. "If the door starts to open, get over there and stall her so I can put this on." She placed the t-shirt flat on the bed so it'd be easy to grab and whip over her head.

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