Untitled Part 6

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-Dippers pov-

why me? Pacifica's bleeding, Mable just passed out, Candy looks like Bill Cypher, and Grenda is the actually sane. 

I'm freaking out. then the door to the shack opened and Stan walked in. then he stopped and walked back out.

Thanks for the help Stan

I got up "Grenda, watch everyone I'm getting the First aid kit" then I ran out the room. I looked through the kitchen for the first aid kit.

Where did that old man put it? I looked in all the cabinets and drawers. Then something red caught my eye. I looked in the microwave. why did he put it in the microwave?

Whatever, I grabbed it and went back to Pacifica. She was still bleeding, and she would be dead soon if the bleeding didn't stop.

-Grenda's pov-

What's up with Candy? Why is she acting so weird. She didn't struggle against my grip anymore, but still, she was laughing.

"Candy why did you do that?" I asked while Dipper fixed Pacifica

But Candy just laughed more.


By now Candy was a little calmer, and I let her go.

"thanks Grenda" dipper said "Can you go put Mabel on her bed''

I nodded and picked up Mabel

-Pacifica's pov-

By now the blood stopped flowing, and I was just feeling dizzy. My hearing wasn't as muffled as before, so I could hear kinda well.

"Pacifica  you lost a lot of blood" Dipper said " You might need to get to the hospital"

"NO" I said "My parents would kill me"

"Pacifica, your nose is damaged really bad, it might not heal right"

"that's fine, but I CAN NOT go to the hospital"

I looked up and I saw Caddy, (Cabby?, Abby?. I don't know) Out of instinct, I screamed and scrabbled to my feet. But then I felt really dizzy and almost fell. Luckly, Dipper caught me before I almost passed out.

"Candy, I think you should leave" Dipper said

Candy, that's what it is

"But-" she protested

''CANDY'' He yelled

  I heard footsteps go toward the door. Then I heard a door slam.

-Candy's pov-

I cant belive this!!

That bitch took my man, and had him hypnotized!!

I have to get Dipper back no matter what it takes. 

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