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Sting's POV:
I woke up to the pressure I felt on my torso, opening my eyes... God, the light is kinda bright. "Did you sleep well?" Yuriko tilted her head. I smiled almost immediately and gave her a nod. She got off me and walked over to my cupboard and took a shirt out and wore it. Since she's short, it went down mid-thigh, it kind of gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing her cute like that in my shirt like a little creature... I feel like hugging her so tightly and never let go. I got off the bed and hugged her which she returned, her face in my chest, her feet on mine and we swayed slightly.
"Sting-kun" I could hear Lector outside. He probably wants breakfast. I let Yuriko go and opened the door.
I then went to the kitchen and made breakfast.
Now that I think of it. It's been nearly a month since Natsu-san visited. Fairy Tail returned two weeks ago and maybe I can visit them.
"Making breakfast? I could get used to this" Yuriko watched me cook.
"So where did you go to yesterday?" I turned to ask her.
"Fairy Tail"
"Without me?"
"You still have a pile of work. I'd recommend you to finish it as soon as possible... And we have to talk"
"What?! Natsu-san is E-
Yuriko shut my mouth with her hand. "You don't have to repeat. He wouldn't do any harm though"
"Then what's your plan when Alvarez attacks" I then rested my chin on my hand.
"I'd want everyone to evacuate, just in case I couldn't control the curse. I'll have to take this seal off temporar-
Yuriko's laricma phone rung and she answered it.
"Yes, Lucy?..... You've got to be kitten me... I mean kidding me... Alright... I'll get there as soon as possible... No, there's something I'd have to tell you... It's about Natsu... No, it's not that... What?... Ok I got to go" she then hung up and I noticed a sign of worry in her eyes.
"They have attacked and Fairy Tail won the first fight. But END went off to kill Zeref. We have to get there as soon as possible" Yuriko said as she put something into her bag and I ran out with her. We got to my guild first to tell everyone to get to magnolia and we then got there in just an hour.
I ran with Yuriko towards the guild and she started talking to someone I can't see. Her sixth sense, eh?
Makarov seems to know about this too, he then turned around and used the speakers. "Everyone, get into the guild. First will use a shield to protect us, if you don't get in, your life might be in danger"
When everyone got in, then Yuriko tells everyone about Natsu.
"How could you not tell me this, Yuriko?" Lucy was standing next to her with her fists clenched hard, her knuckles turned white.
"I was waiting for the right time... But I warn those who planned on killing E.N.D... If they kill him, I'll curse them. Because if they did that, you would be dead on the inside." Yuriko said with her usual straight face. She took a necklace out of her bag. A black one. Yuriko turned to me and gave me a kiss, then a surprisingly heart-warming smile. What is she hiding?
She walked out of the guild and the barrier was set. Lucy ran after her but bumped into the barrier.
Yuriko puts on the black necklace and takes off the white one.
"This black one is my limiter. The white one is a seal. I'll let you keep this for a while, I don't want to lose this. Hold onto my bag" those two things passed through the barrier.
"As I call upon the power of the flames, I ask humbly for your assistance. I shall trade this with my soul" I heard her chant.
My eyes widened as I ran towards her obviously I can't get through the barrier. "Are you crazy?! You are trading your soul?!"
She just smiled before one of her eye turned different to another, no sclera. Just like a predator's eye. A thin slit as a pupil, flames took over half her body. Or you could say half of her body turned to flames.
"It's okay, you won't be alone. I will come back. I promise" she turned and wings made of flames appeared on her back and she flew off quickly.
"Isn't Natsu supposed to be stronger? He's a Fire dragon slayer for crying out loud" Gray crossed his arms.
"I would say that's wrong. The Phoenix is much stronger than dragons. Billions of years ago, there's only one creature and that's the Phoenix. The Phoenix died and lived countless times, but until one time it turned into an invisible one and lives in people's body. It started living as a curse but the first one to get the curse is Yuriko. Now let the two cursed ones have a battle" Makarov said. "But I do feel she's hiding something else."
Hours passed and Yuriko didn't return yet, worrying me. I started pacing back and forth until I realised something. Earlier, she put a book into her bag. Don't tell me...
I quickly got to Lucy, since she's got the bag.
"Take out a book from her bag and read it"

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