There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (31)

Start from the beginning

"Were you thinking about the brown haired guy?" she asked, nudging me in the side teasingly. "I bet you were! Come on, please tell me his name!"

"Eric," I blurted without even thinking. Where the heck did that name come from? Out of every single name on the planet, I chose Eric?

"Eric?" AJ asked, her nose wrinkling at me. "Like the penguin that you made in woodshop in seventh grade?"

"How do you even know about that? I met you in high school."

"Lexi told me about it," she shrugged, laughing a little at the thought of a little wooden penguin that was sloppily painted. "She said you carved out a penguin, painted it blue, and you carried it around in your backpack for the rest of seventh grade."

I crossed my arms over my chest, looking away from her in embarrassment. I felt like such a child. "That was five years ago. I don't even know where it is anymore."

"Whatever," AJ smiled, waving her hand in front of her face before scooting closer to me. "Tell me about this Eric guy. Is he sweet?"

The exact opposite.

"Sure," I shrugged, not knowing what else I was supposed to say. If I gave away too much, she would definitely suspect something.

"Is he special?" she now asked, and I really wanted to gag. Hunter sure was special, but not in the way AJ was insinuating. He was special in a whole different kind of way.

"He's... sure something."

"Something special?"

"... Sure."

This conversation was getting awkward quickly, and I wanted to get out of it as quickly as I possibly could. I didn't want her thinking I was actually going out with Hunter--or Eric, in this case. I knew that she'd tell the rest of the girls, and now they'd know as well. As long as they didn't know who he really was, I guess it was fine.


"Alexandria wasn't in class today," Molly informed the girls of the cabin as I pretended to be asleep. "It's really strange. Even her friends didn't know what was up."

"She's probably just skipping," Cindy shrugged, not caring in the slightest as she examined her nails. "She used to do it all the time back at Adeline."

"But she used to do it with a friend," Emily pointed out, plopping down next to Cindy on her bed. "She didn't ditch with anyone this time."

"Can we just stop talking about Aimee's chauffeur?" Lexi asked, referring to what Aimee had said the day before. "Jordan's asleep, so let's talk about her mystery guy!"

Oh, my goodness.

"His name's Eric," AJ giggled, and I could just imagine her bopping up and down on her bed. "Jordan finally spilled in seventh period."

"Eric? That's such a cute name!"

You have got to be kidding me.

As the girls of Cabin C went on and one about how cute the name Eric was and how cute Hunter actually was, I continued to lay in my bed like a motionless zombie. They thought that I was asleep, at least I hoped they thought, and they continued to blab on and on about Eric.

Eric this, Eric that. It was starting to get seriously annoying after a while. They all had boyfriends that they could have talked about! Why did they have to talk about my boyfriend?

More like my fake boyfriend.

When my cell phone started to buzz in my pocket, I wasn't about to pull it out to answer it. I knew that if the girls knew that I was awake, they would press on and on about Hunter. And I did not want to talk about the boyfriend that I didn't even have.

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