Chapter 22

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(Annabeths POV)

As Annabeth and Alex ran back to Sally's and Percy's and Paul's apartment, Annabeth couldn't get it through her head.

Someone out there was writing books about her, about Percy... About Camp Half Blood and the gods.

How did they know all this stuff? How could they? Who are they? What are they planning to have happen next?

Annabeths thoughts were cut short when the girls arrived at Percy's apartment. It was about 4:15 when they got there.
Annabeth didn't hesitate, she opened the door right up and regretted it instantly.

When she opened the door, a pillow came right down and smacked her in the face. She fell back onto Alex who caught her by reflex.

"Who did that?!" Annabeth demanded, no answer. The two girls walked into the apartment and closed the door behind themselves. They walked into the kitchen, no one, living room, no one. Annabeth decided that she would check Percy's room, so she did.
Once again, not hesitating and once again, regretting it, she opened the door and got another wack to the face with a pillow.

Annabeth fell onto Alex again who caught her... Again.
"Who. Did. That." Annabeth said, now mad. The door to Percy room was fully open and in the middle of the room stood both Layla and Percy, both hands raised in the air as surrender.

"It was Flounders idea."

"No! He's lying! It was his idea!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was not."

"Shut up you two!" Alex snapped, Annabeth recognized the words from the morning before, when Alex had moved the bed just enough to smack Annabeths head against the wall.

"Look, all we want to know, is why?" Annabeth said in a calm but still frustrated voice.

"Pillow war?" Layla asked in a small voice. Annabeth and Alex looked at each other. They both mouthed at each other in Ancient Greek and decided to have a pillow war, but later, when they were all ready for bed.

Sally had made dinner for them all, Annabeth sat beside Percy while she faced Alex across the table. Once dinner was done, Sally served them some of her blue cookies.

"Thank you mom!" Percy said through a mouthful of cookies, so it sounded more like: "Anth you mum!"

After about half an hour of talking passed, Alex asked if she could invite Sam over since he too was in town today. Sally showed her where the phone was and called for Alex, just to make sure no monster would attack them now.

"So, who's this Sam guy?" Percy asked a loud. Annabeth shrugged and they both looked at Layla. She was staring at the table, clearly trying to avoid any eye contact.

"Layla...? Do you know who he is?" Annabeth asked her. She didn't budge. Layla said something under her breath and all Annabeth caught from it was "boyfriend."
"What did you say?" Annabeth asked her.

"He's Alex boyfriend." Layla whispered as she leaned forward on the table. Annabeth felt her face loose colour.

"Her what?!" Annabeth practically yelled. Layla's eyes widened and she went silent, yet again finding the table very interesting.

Annabeth looked at Percy and Paul, who had been sitting there in silence the entire time.
"Did you know this?" Annabeth asked Percy. He looked clueless. Seems like something else Annabeth was going to have to find out on her own.


(Layla's POV)

She shouldn't have said it. She really, really shouldn't have said it. Alex is going to be mad, and that is not something anyone wants. Layla knew that best of all, growing up with Alex they never fought expect for that one time but Alex didn't even remember that. Anyways, Layla had always watched Alex get mad at other kids at school for so many reasons. Alex was not the kind of person you wanted to be around when she was mad.

"Sam will be here in fifteen minutes." Alex announced as she stepped out of the kitchen with Sally. Layla dared to look up. Annabeth was giving Alex a stare. And not just any. The death stare. Alex had the exact same one so Layla was a little bit used to it but Alex's face was priceless. She went white and looked terrified.

"We need to talk." Annabeth said flat out, not changing her expression at all. Alex, still petrified by basically her own glare, nodded quickly and mumbled an "Okay."

The two girls went into Percy's room. There was the smallest bit of screaming at each other and it kept going by:
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I've known him for more than a few days!"
"He was your third grade crush!"
"I don't care!"

It was still going when Sam knocked on the door of the apartment. Percy answered and Sam walked in. He must've heard the screaming because he looked at the closed bedroom door with wide and slightly concerned eyes.

"Cat fight?"

"Don't even ask." Layla said crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. The fight finally ended with a ginormous sigh from both girls at once.

"Hey Alex." Sam said as the door opened and out walked Alex. She hugged him instantly and Annabeth slid behind them and have Sam the death stare. He looked terrified as well.

"Little sisters can be so annoying some times." Annabeth sighed as she sat down.
"You're twins." Layla said, stating the obvious.
"So? I'm older by a few minutes."

"What time were you born?"

"Nine o'nine."

"She was born nine o'four." At that Annabeth did a perfect grumpy cat face. Layla smiled in achievement.

"So, reason why I invited you here is because, I was wondering if you wanted to be in our pillow fight?" Layla heard Alex ask Sam. He said something to her and she smiled. They walked over to the table.
"He's in."

"Great so, what'd you say? Boys against girls?" Percy suggested, standing up and patting Sam's shoulder.

"You sure you wanna do that? You may go down in flames... Or in this case feathers..." Layla said, realizing her logic once she said it.

"Speak for yourself! The only ones going down, are you girls!" Sam said giving Percy a side bro hug.

"Oh it's on now!" Annabeth said, sounding serious but looking insane.

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