03:58 am

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Iris: bold text
Cameron: normal text

"Iris, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Do you ever just lay all night awake, having thoughts that destroy and create new feelings, new memories. Just thinking things that you wish that you could forget?"

"I-Iris? Are you okay?"

"And those thoughts inside you, start killing you slowly but rapidly. You start second guessing yourself and over thinking, over worrying about dumb little things that you can't help but think?"

"Iris, what is going on? Are you okay? Iris what ever you going through its going to be alright."

"And then you start to wonder what is life? What is your-our purpose of being here? Why are you alive, breathing when we are just all killing our selfs. Destroying everything we touch when we are all going to die in the end."

"Iris, you are scaring me."

"I respect the people that try really hard and do make a good difference in our society. But then it's over covered by what we us, humans do. Doing vile things, cause despicable things to one another when we are all just the same. And then we don't take credit nor blame but we still know we were part o the cause but we don't say. What has our world become?"

"I-I don't even know."


Race,religion, where you are from, sexuality should not matter at all, we are all just the same and it clouds our judgment when we decide things. I'm thinking of starting/joining organizations to bring attention more to this. I have many more things to say about this topic but I was just trying to show a different side to Iris.


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