Everyone sick part one and two

Start from the beginning

"About a mile away. You walk through the bush for about forty minutes and then you're there" Harry explained. You glanced up at the clock on the wall, 10:15.

 "How about I pack some sandwiches and we head down there for lunch?" You suggested, wanting to know what the fuss was about.

"Yeah!" Louis' eyes widened. You smiled before realising that the last member of the group was yet to show his face. 
"I'll go wake up Niall while you guys get ready then."

You grinned to yourself as you headed down the hall towards Niall's room. It was at the very end of the hall so it wasn't a short walk. When you finally reached the closed door you knocked politely in case Niall was up and getting changed. There wasn't a sound from behind the door so you pushed the door open.

 Inside, you could hear Niall's soft snores and the light coming from beneath the blind enabled you to see his figure curled up in the duvet on the luxurious bed.

You crept up to his side quietly and began shaking his shoulder gently. 

"Niall, Ni, Niall," you whispered softly. He blinked slowly, his eyes barely open a millimeter. You grinned at his sleepy appearance and smiled apologetically, "the lads wanna head down to the waterhole for lunch so you've gotta get up sorry."
Niall grunted and you made your way back out to the kitchen, knowing that he would be up and about after a few minutes.

Harry helped you make the sandwiches and you laughed and joked through the boring painfulness of the repeating action. Ham, tomato and lettuce in every single one. It was an awfully slow process. Niall joined you in the kitchen and nibbled on a piece of toast until it was gone. You were a little worried by his behaviour, usually Niall would pretty much shove the entire contents of the fridge down his throat but today he had barely finished a single piece of toast. He shot you a grin as he headed of to get changed which reassured you a little but you couldn't help the bad feeling lingering in the back of your mind.

You loaded the sandwiches into a backpack before changing into your swimsuit and layering your clothes back on top. By this point everyone was ready to go and you started your trek to the infamous waterhole.

Harry had been right, the walk was all forestry, nothing but dirt beneath you feet and trees above your head. You liked it though, it felt freer than being in the city surrounded by frighteningly tall buildings. You and the boys joked and played around the majority of the time, your loud laughter echoing off the trees. After a while, you noticed Niall slowly getting quieter and quieter and beginning to fall behind a little. You fell back next to him, determined to find out what was up.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, only seeing then that he was a little pale.

"Fine, why?" He replied a little quickly."

You shrugged as you continued walking, "you just seem quiet today."

"I'm just tired from yesterday."
It just didn't feel right. You mightn't have really known Niall for very long but as someone with younger brothers you could tell when something wasn't adding up. You'd have to keep prodding him

Around three quarters of an hour later you reached your destination and you'd never been more amazed in your life, apart from that one time you somehow got an A in science a few years back.

The trees cleared over the sparkling pool of gorgeous clear water that was surrounded by smooth little pebbles. There wasn't even a speck of moss on the surface and there was even a waterfall running into the water.

"Whoa. . ." you said in complete awe as you span in a complete circle, trying to take it all in. 
"Pretty much." Louis grinned as he whipped his shirt off, possibly setting some kind of record. He dashed off into the trees.

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