☆11: A Day with Naomi☆

Start from the beginning

"My aunt is. I guess? Especially since she's the President of Daidoji Toys Co." Naomi showed me a portrait of her aunt on the wall. "This was her when she was younger. Her mother was the first President. Then it was passed down to my aunt." I looked at the portrait. She was so pretty! I wonder how she looks now. "Maybe you two can meet today. I'm not so sure if she's here though." Naomi leads me to her room. I examined each and every portrait down the hall. I came to one that was pretty odd. It was pretty strange. Her aunt was holding a plush that looked like Kero. I looked down to my bag.

"Kero, is that you?" I show him the portrait. He floats up and sees it. He shook his head.

"No. Look this one has an uglier face." I looked at the portrait and at kero. They are identical. I sighed. "What? I'm serious! That's not me! Look at your watch! I'm like her mascot or something. But I doubt she knows about me." Kero drifts back into the bag. I knew our conversation was over. He was hiding it from me and I wanted to know why. Did he know her aunt? We walked into her room. It was huge. The room was a basic white mixed with light blue corners and edges. It fit perfectly. I looked around with wide eyes. Her room was twice the size of mine. She really does have it all. I couldn't help but picture Naomi as a princess now. She will forever be considered royalty to me.

A little later we all had a mini party. The tables were filled with cookies, chips, and soda. A nice mixture of snacks just for the three of us. Especially since I knew Kero would finish it all by himself but he was forced to share with us. Naomi had tea, so that kinda defeated the purpose of the sodas. Kero drank one but that was it. I didn't really enjoy soda myself. I knew when I drink soda I get overwhelmed with the sugar and get.. Well I basically lose all control of my actions and thoughts. Kinda like a sugar rush but more weird. I stat to act like a drunk person to be honest which was why I avoided soda in general. The Coca-Cola soda was the biggest trigger though. Oddly enough that was the only kind she had.

"Were you expecting someone else?" I looked at the extra plate. She nodded.

"Yeah but they couldn't come. I think they got lost." Naomi didn't seem so happy that they canceled. "I was pretty amazed that at least you came." Naomi smiled. She served me some soda but Kero drank it for me.

"Naomi-chan, is this the only reason why you invited us? Not to be rude. But you requested for me to come too." Kero asks politely. Naomi sips her tea then places the cup down. She clears her throat.

"Yes and no. I did plan a small party for you. But there's also something I wanted you two to figure out." Naomi brings out a box. It was a small chest with a lock on it. It looked like a pirate's chest. It was small chest but big enough to carry a bunch of items. "This chest won't open. Everytime we try to put the key in. It instantly rejects it." She demonstrates for me. She takes the key and tries to put it in. Instantly the key is forcefully rejected and it flies out of her hand. Her hand gets pushed back too. She seemed to have gotten a bit hurt but she shook it off. "See." I pick up the key and hand it back to her. "Thank you. My aunt brought it to me a few days back. She asked me if I had friends that could try to open it." She explained.

"It's a Clow card." Kero says with his arms crossed. He was in thinking postition. "Sora, what do you think? Can you sense it?" I close my eyes to let my thoughts empty. I begin to feel it.

"It is. But which one." I try to think. "Can you try putting the key one more time? I thought I had seen something." I needed to reexamine the scene again. I was probably letting something slip. She nods and tries again. This time the key didn't even touch the lock. It completely didn't let her get near. A light pink bubble looking force was around the chest. "A bubble?! It's protecting the box!" I thought out loud.

"Shield! It does that! Protects very precious things." Kero announced. "But what could break through Shield?" Kero thought. What could? I looked down at my cards. Hmm. Wait a sec! This card cuts through anything! It can cut through Shield!

"The key that holds both the power of darkness and stars,
Reveal your true form to me.
I, Sora, command thee under convert. RELEASE!" I chanted and grabbed the staff once it was fully formed. I threw the card up in the air. "Sword!" I shouted and the staff hit the card. Activating it on impact. My staff became a sword from the handle up. "Here goes!" I slashed horizonatally. Completely breaking the bubble surrounding the box. "Return to the first true form you were made in, Clow Card!" My sword had turned back into a wand. The Shield returned back into a card. Naomi was recording the whole thing. "Huh? How'd you?" I was embarrassed. Naomi flashed her mischievous smile.

"I always have to be prepared for a card capture!" She told me. She passes me a pen and I signed it real quick. She seemed pleased with the fact that I was able to capture this card quicker than the others. Normally it wasn't this easy, well unless the cards were still in card form and i found them randomly.

"What did you have in the box that was so precious?" I had the courage to ask. Naomi thinks about it for a bit and then winks.

"I'm going to call my aunt over. Excuse me." Naomi walks out right after I asked. I tilted my head in confusion. I didn't understand what her wink meant.

"Good job Sora. I knew you'd get it." Kero patted my back. I liked his praises since it reassured me on my decision of becoming the cardcaptor. Though I was wanting to know how he knew this place earlier. He was acting strange after he had mentioned being here before. Then there was a slight knock on the door.

"It's me Naomi." She opened the door and walked in. She was very formal. Her aunt walked in behind her. She was seriously gorgeous. I couldn't help but blush. She was probably around my mother's age. "Sora-chan, this is my aunt. Daidouji Tomoyo. Aunt, this is my friend Li Sora." I stood up to bow. Her aunt, Daidouji-san gave me a very bright smile.

"You look so much like her!" Her aunt squeeled. She hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes. She looks over her shoulder and sees Kero. "Hm? Haha you haven't changed a bit." She seemed to tell Kero. I was confused. She then shook her head when she noticed me staring. "It's nothing. I was simply talking to myself." She pulled away. Her smile didn't fade. Her voice was really soft and calm. "So you were able to open it?" Naomi nods. "Hmm was it a loose spring?" Her aunt winked at us. Naomi blushed while nodding. Does she know about the cards? Her aunt grabbed the key. She gave a brief sigh. She put the key in and sure enough it clicked open.

"What's inside?" Naomi was watching over her shoudler. The box opened. They were tapes. "What? Tapes? Are we going to watch them today?" Daidouji-san shook her head.

"Now is not the time yet." She looks over to me. Her eyes sparkled. "I can see why you needed those costumes!" She reached for the camera Naomi uses to record me. "I remember this. It brings back good memories!" She looks over to me and clears her throat. "Hey Li-chan. How about you spend the night tonight? I already called your mother and she was fine with it." It was pretty weird to ask then. I nodded. I was actually a bit excited about sleeping over.

That night Naomi and I watched movies. We were happily sitting near each other. I looked at Naomi. She noticed me staring and flashed me the biggest smile. "You know, I'm actually grateful I met you Sora-chan." Naomi spoke up. "When my parents...-" She looked down briefly, and her smile faded. "-died.. I didn't know what to do with myself." Naomi was opening up to me. It wasn't normal for her to talk about her parents but she must have really meant her words. "I mean, before I met you I was a bit lost. I couldn't really find anything fun. That's when I met you on that rainy day in elementary. You gave me your umbrella that day because I had left mine at home. I want to thank you Sora." She hugs me and then cries on my shoulder. "I'm glad to call you my best friend." She cried more. I hugged her back and patted her back.

"I'm glad to have met you too, Naomi-san." She continued to cry on my shoulder. I didn't mind it one bit.

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