"Really, Simon? Thank you so much. You're a big help. I appreciate it, thank you for accepting me, means a lot. "Anytime Harry, you're like a son to me. Hey, I'm getting a call, we'll talk later?

"Yeah, thanks again Simon, I really mean it. Makes me feel a lot more comfortable being gay. I'll talk to you later, bye." "Bye, Harry."

I set my phone on the table, and just sat there in awe. I never thought that everyone, especially Simon, would just accept me like that. Its kind of a huge thing. They all acted like they already knew. Funny.

Then, I remembered something. I should tell Lou that I came out gay to my family, I tell him everything. I'll text him, I have nothing better to do anyways, nothing is better than Lou.

@harryfan_123 - Hey Lou! You busy?

@fuckingharry - Hey H! No, I actually just got out of my last class of the day, whats up?

@harryfan_123 - Nothing, really. How about you? Anything your currently up to?

@fuckingharry - Nope. Currently relaxing on the couch watching Netflix. Same as always.

@harryfan_123 - Thats nice, I suppose. What are you watching?

@fuckingharry - Currently, Mean Girls. It's a good movie, surprisingly. Have you watched it?

@harryfan_123 - Yeah, I watched it with my ex, Taylor. Back when I thought I liked girls. It is pretty good, I like it. Maybe we can watch together when I meet you.

@fuckingharry - I like the thought of that.

@harryfan_123 - As do I. Hey, I actually have something to tell you.

@fuckingharry - Uh oh. Good or bad?

@harryfan_123 - Its actually really great!

@fuckingharry - Okay cool. Hit me with it.

@harryfan_123 - Well, I came out gay to everyone today.

@fuckingharry - Congratulations, H! Im really proud of you. Must've taken a lot of courage. How'd you do it? 

@harryfan_123 - I didn't do anything fancy. I just called my mum, and she put the phone on speaker for my dad and sister to hear as well, and I told them. My sister is bi sexual, so of course they accepted me. Then, it was my agent, and I did the same with him. My family said they would tell my relatives, and my agent is telling my co workers and my only friend knew a few days ago.

@fuckingharry - Thats really great, H.  Im proud of you. Sometimes, casual is better than fancy, right?

@harryfan_123 - Thanks! I guess so. At least its done and over with, right?

@fuckingharry - Yeah! I find it cool that everyone accepted you. I lost all my friends but the two I have currently when I came out. Well, theres also some chick who really wants to sleep with me, no matter how many times I tell her I like dicks. Her names Eleanor, shes really annoying.

@harryfan_123 - I get it. Taylor still seems to be hooked on me, I don't know why, she was an awful girlfriend.

@fuckingharry - That bad?

@harryfan_123 - Pretty bad.

@fuckingharry - OH MY GOD H GUESS WHAT?

@harryfan_123 - What??

@fuckingharry - So you know how that one magazine, people magazine does literally everything on Harry?

@harryfan_123 - Yeah, what about it?

@fuckingharry - They just published an article. Harry came out gay! I have a chance with him! Yes! No need to worry though, I still like you. Isn't it cool, you guys came out on the same day!

@harryfan_123 - Y-yeah, that is pretty cool! Hey listen, I've gotta go, works calling, talk to you later, yeah?

@fuckingharry - Okay, bye H!

@harryfan_123 - Bye, Lou.

I turned off my phone and ran my fingers through my hair. I just about gave him my real identity. I shouldn't have been so stupid.

That was a little too close.
Hey guys, Halley here! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if it sucked, Ive never came out gay or bisexual or experienced anyone coming out yet, so I wouldn't know if I did okay or not, hopefully I did. Its one of the longest chapters Ive done, and Im actually very proud of it. Its my personal favourite so far. Anyways, again I wanna thank Raina, I don't like how we don't talk much anymore except about the book, it kinda sucks. Im sure we will talk more though. Plus, Im pretty caught up with my boyfriend, I love him a lot, oops. Anyways, please vote, comment, and enjoy! Thank you so much for reading! Over 200 reads, thats crazy! You can follow me on instagram if you want, its 1dsnudes. Ily all! Thanks again!  ~Halley

FanboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora