Day 70

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Dear Diary,
This morning I had an early check up with my doctor, so I was a bit late for school.

After I was asked a few questions, it was confirmed that I had mild depression.. Something that I was told was normal. It should be though right? Anyone who was told they had a limited time wouldn't be all happy about it.

Anyway after the normal procedure of my check up were they made sure nothing had spread and a top up with my pills, I was finally able to leave.

By the time I had gotten to school it was halfway through second period. I was excused from being late and took my seat.

The day carried on forever. Throughout that day I avoided Eddie. Whenever I saw him in the corridor I would walk the other direction. In classes we had together I would come in just as the bell would ring and sit on the other side of the classroom as him. At lunchtime I told everyone that I had to go and talk to my history teacher about something.

I knew that Eddie knew I was avoiding him.... And it hurt when I saw the sad look on his face.


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