Chapter 6

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I feel like a jerk xc I so sowe. Just read the note at the end please. Its important. Thanks enjoy


"You can't be serious." Daniel shook his head. He couldn't believe it any more than I could.

"I'm serious as hell. I have to go to the Dragon Nest. Otherwise," I cleared my throat and did my best mock King accent, " 'We will suffer from the damage done to the castle." Daniel laughed at my spot on impression. We had been talking about my new quest. That I HAD to go on. I HAD to go kill the mother of all dragons. That way the dragons would know not to mess with the Kingdom or something like that.

"How long before you leave?" Daniel asked. His eyes looked almost sad. Like he really didn't me to go.

"A week. The King said that would give me enough time to say goodbye and pack up everything I might need for the quest. He also gave me some gold to buy any supplies I don't already have." Daniel's eyes widened at that thought.

"How much?" He asked while grabbing the small pouch from my hand as I took it out of my pocket. "Wait.. Don't tell me.. I've got this..." He moved his eyes up as if he were trying to look at his forehead.

"Staring at your brain is going to make you any smarter and its definitely not going to help you guess." I said, rolling my eyes. He ever so sweetly stuck his tongue out at me and I I returned the rude gesture. "And it's one hundred and fifty gold pieces by the way."

"Ahh man! You didn't let me guess.. Wait! Did you just say one hundred and fifty gold pieces?" I nodded my head and Daniel's jaw just about hit the ground. Slowly he closed his mouth. He turned his head out to the lake we were sitting by. It was gorgeous really. The lake itself was a bright cyan color laced with green specks. We were sitting on the grass, being shaded by three trees that sat in a semicircle around us. If you climbed the trees there were two hammocks connecting the trees. We had put them up a few years ago ourselves. Now we go up and lay in them if we want to get away from others because the townsmen knew not to disturb us unless the matter was urgent.

I began to think about the first time we came here. I was eight and he was nine. The lake was too far away tron our house so our parents never really brought us here. Daniel had dared me to climb on of the trees. So I climbed up and sat on a branch that could support my weight. I was sitting there for a good long while, staring up until Daniel called up to me and told me to climb back down. I looked down at where he was standing. The thing I could do was stare in horror as I realized just how high up I had climbed. Daniel yelled at me again to get down but I flung my arms around the trunk of the tree and shook my head violently. He sighed and started to climb up after me. Once he got to where I was sitting, he swung his legs around so that he was sitting next to me on the branch. My train was interrupted when Daniel spoke.

"Damn rich people. I swear they just throw away their money because they they have nothing better to do. I bet if they don't have a towel, they'll use money to wipe they're snobby, rich people noses. Its disgusting!"

"Literally" I said, cracking a smile. Daniel just looked at me so I poked him in the ribs. He narrowed his eyes and I poked him again. This time in the cheek. He raised his hand and I poked him in the stomach, then the thigh, and then right on his nose. He stared cross eyed at where I poked him last. I laughed at him at he poked me in the forehead. I poked him in the chest again and Daniel's eyes widened. He lifted both of his arms and started tickling me. I rolled over hoping to get away, but instead he just followed me and continued the tickling. "Daniel! No! Don't! Stop!" I yelled.

"Don't stop? Okay. Whatever you say." He said, dragging out the a in say with a sing songy voice. I would've glared had I not been tickled to death.

"Can't... Breath.. Going to... Die" I said between pants. He rolled his eyes and stopped.

"You're just being dramatic." I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

"Dakota!" I heard the voice of my little brother calling me.

Too lazy to get up just yet, I yelled back to him, "What?"

"There's a guard looking for you! He said the King needs you! It's very urgent!" He yelled back. I looked at Daniel and he looked at me.

"What now?..." I grumbled softly.


Hey guys I am soooooo so so sooo sorry I haven't updated. I know that some of you have been waiting ever so patiently to find out what the King wanted and for that I thank you. And yeah I know.. another cliff hanger but I just don't know what to write. I have an idea for Dakota to over hear some things, but I don't know what the King should want that's so urgent. So if anyone has any ideas message me @ImjustmeIpromise don't comment because if I do use it, I don't want others to see. But vote, follow, and comment any other feedback.

And speaking of feedback, I'm still not getting very much. So in order for me to post the next chapter I really want at least fifteen comments.

Thanks for reading though.

Captain Shlynster out

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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