Chapter 3

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I woke up to a load crash. Oh great... more dragons. I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my sword. I quick put on my helmet and ran into the street right in front of my house. I heard another crash, this time, closer. I turned around expecting to see a dragon baring its teeth at me. Instead I saw my brother, Lucas, and Daniel.

"Dakota!" Lucas yelled, surprised. He scurried to stand up as he was laying on the ground. "W-what are you doing?" He asked, staring at my raised sword. I jabbed it into the loose soil and sighed.

"Trying to protect my household. What are you doing?" I looked from Lucas to Daniel. He smiled sheepishly and I shook my head, laughing.

"Not making you a delicious breakfast! If that's what your wondering!" Daniel elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow" Lucas mumbled, rubbing the now tender area. Lucas grumbled, "It was your idea..." Which then earned him another elbow to the ribs.

"Then what's with all the noise?" I asked through laughs. Their faces turned red and I laughed harder. Lucas tried to shrug it off, but managed to knock over another pan in the process. Embarrassed, Daniel put his hand up to his forehead.

"Mister smooth over here," he said, gesturing to Lucas, "seems to enjoy knocking over the pans." At that Lucas smiled widely, basking in the sarcastic praise.

"I'll remember that next time I see you in the kitchen." I began to walk inside. When I got to my room, I took off my helmet and put my sword down; I took off the clothes I wore to bed and put on fresh, clean clothing. Note to self: go to stream later and wash the laundry. I picked up my sword again and sheathed it. I then attached it to a special belt I made so that I could keep my sword by my side. It would always be there when I needed it. Once I was ready, I walked out to Lucas and Daniel to check if they were done. When I saw they weren't, I told them I was going for a stroll. I leisurely walked along the dirt path the King seemed to think of as a road. As I walked, I saw a guard walking towards me. I stepped to the side so that he could pass, but when he neared me, he stopped. The guard turned and looked me straight in the eye.

"The King would like to speak with you ma'am." He spoke in a deep voice with little emotion. I was taken completely off guard. I laughed at my silent pun. The guard looked insulted that I had laughed in his presence. I regained a serious composure.

I blankly stated, "Why?" He responded by only walking away. I stuck my tongue out at the rude man. I turned around to tell my brother and Daniel I'd be away for a while and that they didn't need to worry. When I made my way to the castle, I was speechless. I had never gone to the castle inside of which the King and Prince live. The commoners never did. I looked around, taking in the beautiful sight. The floors were made of white marble with black accents scattered around. The pillars were made of solid white stone and reached thirty feet into the air, where the white marble ceiling rested carefully on them. Upon the walls were many paintings; mostly of past Kings and Queens. The most recent, a painting of the Queen that had passed away 4 years ago. I took a tentative step forward, placing my foot on the red carpet that stretched over the floor down the entire hallway. And most likely every other hallway.

I had lost the guard that had come to me in the town, but I saw another one standing about three doors down on the left. I began to walk towards him, but the armored man stopped me.


Oooooo what's behind the door? Why was Dakota summoned? Can you figure it out? Well its all coming up in the next chapter! Hehe so comment, fan, vote, and all that diddily-do! Sorry this chapter is a little short and probably reaaaally bad. Sorry about any spelling/grammar mistakes. But like always tell me what you think and send me some ideas! I could always use them

Thanks hope you enjoyed this chapter

•Ashlyn B)

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