Chapter 5

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****Hey guys, do me a favor and please read the A/N at the end. Pweaaaase? *puppy dog face*


"Because he was blind!" Prince William was laughing his ass off, and I was doubled over, red faced, and crying. Damn this guy was funny. And hot... Wait! What am I saying? This guy probably has all the girls in the entire kingdom falling at his feet, waiting for him to magically pick one of them to be his wife for eternity. I will not, repeat not, let myself fall for him and his good looks. I mean strength. I mean bravery. I mean no! None of that! I will not be just another girl. Besides, I don't even know him! "Hello? Earth to Dakota." Prince William was waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Oh sorry.." I blushed. Why am I blushing? Deep breaths, Dakota, deep breathes. Great. I've been having a conversation with myself. Well at least no one can hear it.

"Hear what?" Prince William asked. I must have said that last part out loud. I took a minute to regain my composure before speaking. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me. But it was a weird look. I just shrugged it off. Mentally of course.

"Nothing. Sorry. Again. Just thinking about... Well... I don't know really... I guess I'm just nervous about being here. I mean, can you blame me? I've never heard anything from the castle, then suddenly I'm called here for who knows why. I lose the guard to told me to come so I try and ask how to get to the King, but of course I walked to close to his chambers!" And now I'm ranting to a really hot Prince who only knows I'm alive because some guard called his name. "I'm ranting. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." I apologized. He just chuckled.

"No, no, its fine. You're actually quite cute when you rant." I nearly choked. What did he say? I looked at him and he blushed. A very awkward silence followed. I was replaying the statement over and over in my head. His voice snapped me back to reality. "We're here." He smiled sheepishly. He extended his hand towards the door and my jaw nearly dropped twenty feet. It was gorgeous. The oaken door was dark and had carvings of the ancient language. Few could understand it the language known mostly as the Ancients. The Ancients was incredibly hard to comprehend. I knew many phrases in the Ancients, but I did not recognize any of these old symbols. I walked towards the door and slowly raised my hand. "Wait." Prince William's voice made me jump. I looked back at him.

He walked in front of me and pushed open the doors. "This place is incredibly gorgeous" I mumbled, thinking no one had heard me.

"Of course it is!" A loud voice boomed. I was wrong. The King stepped out into the light of the room."Only the finest materials where offered, much less, accepted." He gestured with his hands, making my eyes move around the room. I didn't know what to say. So I just stood there, baffled like an idiot. The Prince cleared his throat.

"This," he said, gesturing to me, " is Dakota Oak. The swordsman your requested." This seemed to snap me out of my moment of dullness. I bowed with my entire upper body. I would've curtsied, but I had no skirt to curtsy with.

"My Lord." The words did not seem to roll off my tongue quite so easily. The King looked at me and laughed. He had a very strong, deep laugh. Apparently I was making a face.

"No need to be scared, young one. You are in no kind of trouble. But I am. Surely you have noticed the dragons in the past couple of days, raiding the kingdom." My jaw dropped. Couples of days?! This has been going on for two years! And believe me, I've noticed. I have to fight a dragon practically everyday.

"I have noticed." I tried to hide the anger in my voice. How has it taken this long for the people living in the castle to see the damage the dragons are doing in the villages?

"Good. Now, is it true you train in the ways of the sword?" The King asked. I nodded slowly. How can a man be this stupid? Prince William even said that I was the swordsman HE requested. I know I must respect my King, but come on. "Fantastic!" The King unsheathed a sword and spun it around so the hilt was facing me. "You're going to need this." He said, seeing as my sword was taking from me when I entered the castle.

I took the handle and pointed the tip down as to not take aim at the King. I heard the sound a sword whipping through the air and I whirled around to see Prince William spinning his sword in his hand. I looked at the King and he nodded. I turned back around just in time to see a blade speeding towards my face. I brought my sword up in defense, the flat of the blade clanking against his.

We spent a good ten minutes battling it out. Finally, I wrenched his sword out of his hand and pointed the tip of my blade towards his chest. Prince William was breathing heavy and tired. I, on the other hand, had not even broken a sweat. Claps boomed throughout the room. I lowered my sword and gave Prince William his back. I sheathed the blade the King so kindly allowed me to use. A guard came and took it from me and walked off into a door on the right.

"That was excellent!" The King had emphasized the E in excellent. "Maybe now my son might not have such an ego!" He joked. Prince William just glared and I stifled a small laugh. "Now! On to my proposal."


Hey guys! Well that was pretty bad but I hope you liked it anyways! I finally finished this chapter for you! Anyways the thing is, I'm not sure if I should continue the story. I'm not really getting a lot of feed back so I don't know if you guys like it or not. So just comment and stuff :P oh and I wouldn't be mad at you if you voted and fanned ;) oh and if I do continue, I could always use ideas

Thanks for reading

Captain Shlynster!! That's right, I'm a super hero XD jelly?

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