"Shh," I quickly held my finger to his lips, seeing him getting upset in his sleep beside me. "It's ok. Don't get upset, just get some sleep."

He didn't talk again, so I simply leaned down enough to touch my lips to his cheek, pulling his hand off my hip and went back over to my bed, facing him as I laid down.

But I tossed and turned for a while, now thinking about the little he had said.

Who's Grace?


8:14 AM

I folded up the blanket, setting the pillow aside and slowly slid on my jacket, tiptoeing over to the door since Bella was still sleeping, slowly twisting the handle.

"Where are you going?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up.

"I was trying to leave without waking you up."

"Oh, so you're one of those boys." She sat up now, my hand falling off from the door handle.

"You're brother's here." I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. "So is your dad."

"He had to go to work. He's gone, so is my dad."


"Aren't you hungover?" She walked over to me, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Just a little." I covered my eyes, blocking the sun.

"Come on." She pulled me out of her room, leading me through the hall, my mouth hung slightly at the sight of the marble floors.

My old house was nice...but wow.

"Do you want breakfast?"

"You're going to cook for me?" A sly laugh escaped my lips, receiving an eye roll from her in response.

"Very funny. No, I'm not cooking for you."


"I pretty much live off of cereal in this house."


"Because it's good. How did you get to my house?"

"I think I walked." I rubbed the back of my neck, leaning against the counter.

"You think?"

"I didn't drive, Hunter did. Then I left and came here."

"I'll drive you home."

"You don't have to." I shook my head, watching her open up the cabinet to the cereal.

"No it's ok, no biggie."

I remember kissing her last night, saying a few thing while I was awake, then I fell asleep.

I'm just lucky I wasn't mumbling in my sleep.

That was one of the perks of living alone. When I woke in the middle of the night screaming in a cold sweat from nightmares, my pocket knife somehow always in my hand.

"What would you like?"

"Captain Crunch." I answered, now leaning back against the counter.

I watched her carefully, examining her movements, my eyes wandering down her again before she turned back around and pushed a bowl my way.

"Thanks buttercup."

"Mhm," She nodded, leaning forward like I was and looked up at me. "Do you go and do that every weekend?"

Tempted (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now