Dedications ~

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Hello cupcakes :)

I know this book is over but I just want to dedicate this book to some very important people. :)

Okay so First, One of my best friends Shazna Olid. You're amazing and so supportive! You'll aways be my best friend. Love you!

One of my other best friends, Adiba Rahman. Thanks for being an annoying and some how supportive bitch. Love you!

MY FANS!! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for all the votes and amazingly inspiring comments! Thanks so much cupcakes!!


HARRY, youre curls are so sexy and youre dimples are so cute.

LIAM, youre just frecken awesome. Love how your so protective!

NIALL, Id give anything just to have a meal with you.

LOUIS, youre so sassy and fucking love it. I feel we'd get along so well.

Last but not least, ZAYN MALIK . You're such an inspiration. You never fail to make me smile. Id literally give anything to hear youre adorable laugh and run my hand through your quiff. I hope you don't think i'm a freak but I think i'll marry you some day and we'll have a child named Javaad if it's a boy, and if it's a girl we'll name it Zaynab. Okay, okay, stop. Well, you're amazing, or should I say AmaZayn? ;) No? Okay. Uhm, thats about it, I love you my bradford bad boi. ;)

Well that's it! See ya later! :)




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