Chapter 13 ~

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Ariana's POV

Zayn has been keeping md company since I was alone until Mom comes home from her short weekend business trip.

"I'm gonna go home, see ya later cupcake. I'll take you to school tomorrow kay?" Zayn asked me as he picked up his jacket and his phone.

We headed for the door "Okay" I smiled. He gave me a light kiss on the forehead and walked out.

After Zayn left I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed. I got under then covers and shut my eyes, waiting for the darkness to take over. When it finally did, I fell into a peaceful sleep.


"Goodmorning" I smiled at Zayn. He was in front of my house with his motorcycle.

"Mornin' babe" Zayn kissed my forehead. We hopped onto Zayn's motorcycle and headed for school.

When we arrived, Zayn held my hand as we were walking through the school parking lot to a group of guys.

"I want you to meet my friends" Zayn said.

"O-okay" I smiled.

"It'll be fine. They're cool" Zayn reasurred me.

"Hey Zayn!" The group of boys yelled.

"Sup guys. I want you to meet Ariana" He smiled.

"Hi love, i'm Louis" A boy with light brown hair said.

"Nice to meet you" I said quitely.

"I'm Niall. I love food" A boy with blonde hair said.

Oh Niall is the guy we were talking about in Nandos!

"Oh! Zayn has told me alot about you!" I laughed.

"He has?" Niall laughed

"Well, just that you eat a ton" I smiled.

"Haha. Well, it's true" Zayn said.

"Zayn, did you mention to Ariana that i'm single?" A similar boy with curly hair said. What was his name?...Larry? Jerry?...Oh yeah! Harry!

"No, it never came up" Zayn said with a clenched jaw.

"Well, I am.." Harry carressed my cheek.

"And I am not intersted" I removed his hand from my cheek, recieving a bunch of 'Ooohhs' and a chuckle from Zayn.

"Haha! Well, Ari and I are gonna head to class..I guess" Zayn said and held my hand again.

"Bye, it was nice meeting you all..Well most of you!" I laughed.

"Bye" They replied.

Zayn and I were walking upto my locker, then everyone looked at us and gasped.

"Looks like Zayn found another Slut"

I heard someone say.

"She's too ugly for Zayn Malik"

"Wow. I bet you he's only dating her for fun." Another girl said, Zayn tensed up.

"Listen bitch. First of all, Zayn and I aren't dating. And second, he would never date me for' 'fun'! You should really mind your own bussiness" I yelled at the girl, losing my temper.

"You don't know who your talking to ugly bitch." She laughed.

Zayn stopped in his tracks "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Her? Ugly? Clearly you need some glasses because Ariana is gorgeous. And seriously, I know you don't have a life, but that doesn't give you a right to butt into everyone elses!" Zayn chuckled at the girl as we walked away.

"You really think i'm gorgeous?" I asked Zayn.

"Of course" He smiled.

"I don't see it.." I laughed.

"Babe, you should get your eyes checked as well. You're stunning!" Zayn chuckled.

"Awww" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thanks"

"We should get to class, cupcake" Zayn smiled at me and we headed to class.

I sat in my seat and Zayn sat next to me. "Hey" I heard some say I turned my face to see...


"Uh-hi" I said quiety trying to make sure Zayn didn't hear me. But he was too busy texting someone, he didn't notice.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked.

"No it's just-...look I can't explain it now. Here's my number, i'll tell you later okay?" I handed him a piece of paper with my number on it.

"Okay" He said and put the paper in his pocket.


Zayn and I didn't have last period together so we went our own ways. *Bringgg* The bell rang and everyone grabbed their stuff and walked out the doors. I was walking when I got a text from Zayn.

"Wait for me in the parking lot next to my bike.." It read

I kept walking, reading my text when I bumped into someone. "Oh hey babe" Someone said....Harry.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Oh, Fiesty..I like it" He smirked.

"Harry, leave me alone. I've got to go" I said and walked away.

"See ya later babe" He smirked.

I walked to Zayn's motor cycle and waited for him to come. "Hey!" He said. "Hi" I smiled.

"How was your last class?" He asked me.

"Fine, I guess" I smiled at him.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Bit it wasnt awkward at all. The bike stopped in the drive way. "Bye, Zayn" I smiled

"Bye cupckake"

I took out my keys and walked towards the door. "Mom?" I yelled

"Hi, Hun! How was your weekend? Sorry for leaving" She asked.

"It was fine, Zayn kept me company" I said.

"Thats nice."

I walked upto my room when I got a text from an unknown number.

I clicked on the text, it read,

"Hey, it's Liam..."



Hey everyone! Sorry it was short! I'll try to write more! Thanks for reading! If you want me to update, then please help me get to 100 reads!!! :) Thank you! :)





Much Love


She's Not Afraid (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora