Chapter 5~

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Ariana's POV

"We need to talk!" Liam said and rushed me to a closet.

"What is going on?! Why was everyone so shocked when he kissed me on the cheek" I yelled in annoyance.

"You're his new target!" Liam yells


"Who's new target!?" I asked

"Zayn's" He replied

"uh..fill me in. I'm confused." I said.

"Usually when Zayn kisses a girl on the cheek, it means you belong to him, as in youre off limits. Zayn kissed you on the cheek, Ari! He's only ever did that once before, but that girl uh..passed away. " Liam explained

"So just because he kissed me on the cheek, I 'belong to him'? Why are you all so scared of him?!" I asked in confusion.

This is rediculous!

"Yes, that means, no man can ever be around you. Zayn doesnt like that. Everyones scared of him because he has done..some horrible things. I mean, thats what everyone else said. He's dangerous.." Liam said

"So thats why Zayn said he didnt want me hanging around you!" My brain clicked!

"Oh no! Just stay far away from Zayn as possible!" Liam warned

"Thats gonna be kind of hard considering that Zayn lives right next to me!" I said.

" Ari, Stay away from him" He warned.

"Okay, whatever, Liam" I replied.

She's Not Afraid (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ