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"Wah! That's not fair Haru! I wanted to give Makoto my present first!"

"Too bad."

"Oi! Don't talk to me like that!"

"Now, now calm down you two. It's ok really!"

Three boys, of the age of ten, were sitting in the room of the the tallest boy, exchanging gifts. It was the time of year when everyone is singing, noses turned red, and the sleigh bells would be ringing. The children would shout with joy as the first snowflake fell. Gifts would be given and received with a warm feelings in their hearts. However, the three little boys exchanging gifts now, was something far more special than a warm feeling in their hearts.

"Ah, that doesn't matter anyway, my gift is far better!"

Haru rolls his eyes at Rin's arrogance. Like his gift could be better than mine. I know Makoto best! I'm his best friend after all.

"Now, Haru I really liked your gift but I think I will like Rin's gift too! After all Rin has a great sense of style so his gift must be great as well, don't you think."

"I have a great sense of style?" Rin looks away from both Makoto and Haru with a great deal of blush on his face.

"Hmph." Haru looks away annoyed. Not only had Makoto read his mind, which was starting to become a regular thing, but he told Rin that he had a great sense of style, which was basically saying that Rin was attractive, was it not?

Makoto smiled at both of them. "Let me go get my present to both of you and-"
"No! Can you at least open mine first?" Rin grabbed Makoto by the arm not wanting him to leave.

"Oh yeah, of course I would Rin!" Rin eagerly handed his gift to Makoto. Rin turned to Haru with a smirk that Makoto obviously missed. Haru turned his head even further away from Rin but not far enough away, so he could see what Makoto's present was.

"Woah! Is this a snow globe with the Sydney Opera House in it?"

"Haha yep! How did you know what that was? I was ready to go into a full long speech talking about it!"

"Well one of my best friends is moving away to a far away country, and I wanted to know more about Australia. I wanted to know what kind of life you were going to live..." Makoto looks down to the snow globe with clear sadness in his emerald eyes, "without us..."

The room grew uncomfortably silent. Haru shifts to look at Makoto. Rin coughs a little and looks away embarrassed.

"Ah but you will come back won't you? Please!" Makoto looks directly at Rin with a pleading face.

"Makoto you are going to break it." Haru says quietly.

Makoto looks down to the snow globe clenched into his hands. He was going to break it.

"Ah, never mind the sad stuff! Besides look closer in the water going with all the snowflakes," Rin said like a little two year-old.

Even Haru was curious what was in mixed with the snowflakes. Both he and Makoto leaned forward looking trying to find what was inside.

"Wait, is that a shark and an orca?!?!" Makoto burst out holding the snow globe high above his head trying to get a better look at it.

"You saw it! You saw it! Yep that's me and you! You like orcas don't you? And I like sharks! I had them put it in there!"

"Wow thank you some much Rin! I'll put it on my desk so I can look at it all the time! Thank you!" Makoto hugs Rin nearly crushing him.

"You are welcome! And as much as I appreciate this hug, you are kinda crushing me!"

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