Ch. 9: Hungry oceans devour even castles of stone

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"How– Why are you here?" Yuzuki muttered beneath her breath, staring at the informant and shaking his head.

Has he gone mental now?

He must've known that this was practically suicide.

"Oh you know," he started with a long sigh, throwing his hands up mid-height and shrugging. "I didn't have anything else to do at the moment, so why should I decline such a nice and welcoming invitation?" He finally stepped through the door and closed it behind him, the smug smirk never leaving his lips.

"Besides", he added, shoving his hands into the pockets of his long coat, "you should know me well enough to figure I hate leaving behind unfinished business."

"My sister isn't unfinished business."

Izaya titled his head to the side a little, eyeing Yuzuki's brother and nodding, the smile still remaining persistent. "Sure. Whatever you say."

"You little–" he grunted, but was interrupted.

"You should leave, Izaya," Yuzuki urged, glancing at him intensely. "Right now."

Just as the raven opened his mouth to reveal his reply, Yuzuki's brother beat him to the punch, clearly stating his opinion before Izaya could get a chance to do so.

"He's not going anywhere," he said, dangerously low and pulled the knife from his pocket that he had earlier snatched from Yuzuki. The girl eyed the blade carefully before observing the informant.

"Well, Tsuki-chan, sorry to disappoint you," said man moaned in defeat, "but you heard what he said." As he took his hands from his coat, he also held a pocket knife, flipping it open and remaining focus on his opponent.

Why would he do this?

Why would he go this far?

Why, out of all times, did Orihara Izaya chose to care now? When Yuzuki was long done with it all, when she accepted her defeat? When she was hoping for nobody else to get hurt because of her?

"Don't do it," she muttered to her older sibling, attempting to hold his arm in place for a few more seconds, but he didn't listen to her at all. Instead he freed himself from her grip roughly and took a step forward.

"You'll pay for hurting my little sister," he said slowly, his eyes never leaving his target.

"Oh, may the lords stand by my side," Izaya laughed, throwing his arms up in the air theatrically, "I'm so scared right now, seriously."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Who, me? Of course not, don't be silly! You're doing the job of making yourself look pathetic all by yourself, don't worry, friend."

How could he still remain this mocking and teasing attitude when being in real genuine danger? It's not like that man was not ready to use the knife in his hands. It was not like hasn't done it before, either.

Yuzuki could sense that her brother was getting ready to plunge forward. He positioned himself and his glare darkened with each second, filled with so much hatred and disgust. It was shocking how these eyes could have ever been comforting the once little girl.

"That's it!" he groaned and tried running forward. 

While all this time, all these events had happened so quickly and it felt like not even a second was granted to the powerless, Yuzuki watched the scene in slow motion. Izaya didn't move a muscle, let alone step aside. He kept standing on that same spot the entire time and he lowered his hands, dropping the knife to the floor.

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