Ch. 3: To predict one's impression

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I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to update. I know, I promised a new chapter last week, but stuff happened. Mainly school, which is why I didn't exactly find the time to work on this.

It can only get better though, so stay tuned for more frequent uploads! Thanks for all your comments by the way, I really appreciate your feedback and interest in this story!

By the way, the dates might seem confusing now, but they are really important to understand the story, so pay close attention to what seems to be in the past or future! Just a little hint ;)


It had taken the girl by surprise and was just another thing she could add to the list of his weird behaviour. It wasn't weird per se. Thinking about it, it was just the way Orihara Izaya was. Bold and confusing. Yuzuki could never tell what he was all about, no matter how hard she tried.

Her usual greeting was cut off by a mouth that, weirdly enough, didn't spill the general teases and interrupted with words. Instead it switched to the offensive and took action, lips feeling soft against hers. All that while mocking her with the standart curl of a smirk on them.

For some reason he seemed to wait a bit before moving his lips against hers, deepening the kiss.

If he was waiting for a reaction, she was surely enough disappointing him. Even when both his ivory like hands cupped her face and the tips of his fingers playfully brushed her hair aside, she just stood there.

Unsure of what to think, unsure of what to do, unsure of how to react. Mostly she was confused, which is why she couldn't show any reaction at all. The shock left her paralyzed and unable to move apparently.

Izaya, however, seemed quite satisfied with her response, even though it actually didn't consist of anything. But no answer is also an answer, isn't it? Nevertheless he decided, it wasn't enough quite yet.

As he leaned in just a little closer, lips even more enthusiastic, his half-lidded eyes made sure to not miss any single twitch from his toy.

It was then Yuzuki felt exposed by the ruby eyes staring into hers as if they could look right through her and read her thoughts, which honestly were a mess at the moment. She allowed – no, forced – her mind to go blank and shut her eyes, relaxing eventually.

Of course she was aware of this being a test. What else would it have been than him observing her reactions? Too bad she didn't want to provide him with any.

The sensation of his smirk widening against her skin while his lips marked hers rougher with each second, was unbearable.

He was enjoying it.

But what was even worse: She was too.

Thing is, while she was overwhelmed by the feeling, he probably couldn't care less about the kiss itself. It was the response he received, her muscles relaxing, her body leaning against his, her giving in. Her giving up and him winning.

Clearly pleased with the outcome of his work he drew away ever so slowly, keeping her close still. As she was trying desperately to find her breath again, Yuzuki felt the heat rise up to her cheeks, leaving her flushed and embarrassed. Although she wanted to break free or at least turn her head, she somehow couldn't help but look at the man in front of her.

Compared to her, he kept smiling at her as if nothing happened, but Yuzuki knew better than that. She knew what a damn conceited man he really was. Full of himself and way too proud.

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