Rants of an Old Dog

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So, this is essentially the rants from my old account, transferred over and eventually added too. I've changed the title because lately? I've felt like one of the...'old dogs' around the groupings of the Alpha's.  When I went to go quit, I was referred to as someone who was 'respected' amongst the packs. That I was one of the ones starting this (Lies, I was the third Alpha of the First pack. I've simply been around longer than a lot of people with this.) I figure, if I'm so respected, maybe my rants will reach everyone else. Maybe they'll take it as advise.

Hopefully, it does. Hopefully, I get some other packs and Alphas thinking about what they're doing and what everything is suppose to be. Most of these will be raw, meaning that they will be unedited editions. So, I ask for you all to ignore the mistakes that are present. So, below is the original opening:

Alright, so...I'm rather tired of just sitting back and giving these rants privately to people where I know they agree and won't get offended.

I don't give two shits who gets offended anymore- largely because I've already participated in so many debates on here, what's a few arguments and hurt feelings going to hurt? After all- I am Mr. Nice-Guy. I'm simply Mr. Nice-Guy that just so happens to have an anger issue that he's fucking sick and tired of holding back.

I imagine that a large majority of these will be about other people. I will admit, some of these might not be too hostile, but most of them will likely piss people the fuck off.

So, without further ado- here come my rants.

Rated PG-13 for language. You've been warned, as if my god-damn cussing here wasn't enough. -.- lol XD jk

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