I can hear the beating of my heart in my ears. "Its nothing honey." Mom told Melody.

Say something. "Oh, eh I burned myself." Dumbass .

"Really? How?"

Please stop asking me questions."I was doing my hair with the hair curler and my hand slipped."

"Same thing happened to you Tori?"

And in this moment I really wished my dad wasn't a lawyer.

"No sir, its what you think it is. A hickey."

Dad nodded his head. "I see."

I looked at Tori and I was stunned that she told the truth. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Melody did you brush your teeth?" Dad switched the topic. Thank God.

Monday 11:46am.

"Did you guys see the news?" Jade asked as we all sat down at the lunch table. She sat across from me in her cheer uniform.

"No why?" I asked.

"How could you have not seen it? It was everywhere, this couple went in the woods for a camping trip and Sunday morning they found them both dead. They say that they were eaten alive by some kind of poisonous bat or something. Whatever it was it was brutal, they had no eyes and were completely dry." Jade said then popped a chip in her mouth.

"What do you mean by dry?" Tori asked.

"They were completely drained of energy and blood. They couldn't even fight it off if they wanted too."

I know that Tori knows what it is, I can see it in her face. "That's crazy." Was all she said shaking her head.

"Yeah I know, but the crazy thing is they couldn't find any trace of this thing so they band camping in some places until they find out what it is." Jade tucked her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.


Later after class I went to the bathroom waiting for Tori to show up. Ever since Jade has told us about that thing in the woods I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was it actually what the news said it was? A poisonous bat? No way couldn't be it has to be a supernatural. What kind though? Why has it decided to just show up now? Is it after something?

I went over to the sink  and started washing my hands. I slashed water on my face trying to calm down. Then I washed my hands again before I dried off.

The door opened. Tori came in.

"Well?" I asked. I feel like the world I'm in right now isn't real; all I need is a really good pinch and boom I'm back in reality.  But no this is my reality. "Is it a vampire?"

"No something different."

"Werewolf?" I said with a nervous laugh.

"No." Tori looked into the mirror and stared back at her reflection.

"Do you know what it is?" I was losing hope.

Her dark ocean blue eyes caught me in the mirror, "Demon."

"Wait, like a demon, demon? Like Satan's little helpers demons?"

"That's exactly what I mean. I thought  it was a vampire as well but then I thought it couldn't be. A vampire kills its victim right on the spot or sometimes keeps them alive as a pet, depending on what kind of vampire it is." She started pacing back and forth, "But no this one slowly killed the victim by paralyzing them first. Watch them suffer like its a game. Let the other watch the other die. It liked to tortured them. The only thing it could be is a Demon"

Alaska. I though immediately.

"Tori you're scaring me." I said honestly. My hands are shaking and my heart is racing.

Tori stopped pacing. She came up to me placing her hand under my chin. "Don't be scared, nothings gonna happen to you. I got you okay." She kissed my head. "I got you."

"But what about you? Tori I couldn't live if you died." I could feel my chest tighten at the idea. Tori looked me in the eyes.

"I was born to hunt, this is what I live for. I know what I'm doing you don't have to worry about me." Her soft lips crashed onto mine leaving me thoughtless. All my worrying started to crumble off my shoulders. Then she pulled away.

"I love you." The blue eyed beauty said.

"I love you too."

"I'll be back in two weeks. I've gotta track this thing." She pulled her body closer to mine.

"So this is goodbye?" My voice shook.

"Until then. I'll be back."

"And if you're not?"

"I will be." She gave me one last long kiss.

Then door opened. In came Alaska.

Alaska (Lesbian Story) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now