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Leafpool's POV

Leafpool looked tiredly at her kits. They were two moons old and already a handful. Daisyleaf had given birth to three kits, two toms and one she kit. Leafpool looked over at Frostkit who seemed to be the trouble maker. When Leafpool started working with Mountainkit on herbs, Frostkit had left camp. She returned soon after everyone had realized she was missing. Another thing were her eyes. They were so ice blue that when she glared at her father when he was giving her punishment she drove shivers into everyone. Another weird thing is that nobody can leave cap without her knowing. No matter what time of day or night she always knew.
Leafpool realized that Frostkit was eyeing something in the camps wall. The she kit then pounced. A squeak came from below her paws. Frostkit raised her head with a mose hanging by its tail in her mouth. The mouse was still alive and struggling. Leafpool expected Frostkit to come running over to show her the mouse but instead the kit turned around and released the mouse into a thick bunch of bramble. Leafpool was surprised. Frostkit had shown compassion without being taught. Leafpool also saw the other cat who was watching, actually not watching, her kit. Jayfeather. He was always observing the kit. He seemed to find her interesting. "Frostkit, Mountainkit time to have a nap." she called. Both kits came running toward her. None of them ever complained about naps. Though Frostkit never actually took a nap, instead laying there with her ears perked. Another thing about Frostkit is that she's defiant. Not a horrible defiant but not good either. Leafpool sighed as Frostkits ears turned to listen to a few cats talking outside. "I still love her no matter how my flaws she has." Leafpool thought to herself.

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