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I've been running my whole life, every moment from the very start. Apparently my mother was killed protecting me along with my father on the night of my birth. That night, my Aunt Clara took me from her dying sisters' arms and ran for her life. It's just me now, though. Aunt Clara was killed when I was ten; that would be about seven years ago, leaving me at the age of seventeen.

Why they were killed, I don't know. My family was wiped out, yet nobody had felt it necessary to tell me anything. I have no friends, no family, barely any hope, yet I have to prepare for the oncoming storm. I can feel it in my bones. They are coming... they are coming...


I grasped the long blonde strands of hair on my scalp and sawed it off with scissors, leaving it chin-length. Then I jogged to my dresser, pulling on slim leather pants and a tight leather top. Next I pulled on my combat boots, shoving a dagger in the right boot. Lastly, I put on a leather belt with all kinds of weapons strapped on.

I walked down the halls of the broken down mansion, setting traps for the things that were after me. They're smart, I'll give them that, but I need to get away. I've only just found out what the beasts are called and what they generally look like. The beasts are called 'Dräken'. They are said to come from another world, but nobody knows how or why. The Dräken search for and kill entire familial lines, but only certain ones. Like mine. Ones that started from someone who dabbled in black magic. As I've said, nobody knows why, especially since they are amazing at covering their tracks. Even innocent witnesses are killed, just for seeing what they shouldn't.

These bastards have hunted what we've come to call 'Cursed Ones' for over five centuries. They look like normal humans until curved beaks shoot from their throats and their eyes go midnight black. The worst part, they only have one weakness: the small of their back, right where their tailbone is. A knife in that spot kills them instantly, anywhere else and they disappear in a cloud of gray smoke to come back later. 

          I just finished the last tweaks to my traps when a single screech sounded outside the mansion.

"Looks like the bird-for-brains want to play." I smirked, turning and finding my place on the rooftop to await the Dräken. "I won't go down easily, bastards."

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