Mining day!

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3rd person p.o.v.

You woke up when light sun rays hit you eyes. You yawned and slowly sat up in the bed. You had bearly remembered anything that had happened last night. It all seemed like a dream to you. Smiling, you jumped out of your bed and walked over to your crafting table. You began buliding a wood picaxe. Once finished, you opened the door to your house and walked out.

"I can't wait to go mining today! This is going to be so much fun! Oh! I wonder if Iron wants to go mining with me? Let's find out." you said to yourself. You walked around the village in search of your aquintence, when you were stopped by one of the iron golems.

"Hello? Um, is something the matter?" you asked, feeling slightly scared of the giant that was staring down at you. The golem stared at you for a moment, before slowly raising one of its massive arms. You flinched when you saw its arm swing down swiftly at you. You prepared for pain, only to be met with something patting your head. You opened your eyes and looked up at the iron golem. You smiled.

"Hehe, I guess you just wanted to say thanks, huh? It was no big deal with the zombies or anything, I was just protecting the village!" You replied. The golem nodded, making a slight creaking noise emit from the rusted metal it was bulit from. You smiled and walked away from it, still trying to find Iron. After a few hard minutes of searching, you finally found a silvery haired boy with an adorable iron golem hat.

"IRON!!!" You yelled, running over to him and ingulfing him in a hug.

"AGH!" He shrieked, and ripped away from you. He sighed, and backed up a little. You smiled.

"Hehe, you're a little shy, huh? Well, anyway, I came to ask you if you wanted to help me go mining!" you said happily. He looked a little cautious, but he agreed to go with you.

"Ok, I'll g-go with you..." he replied, walking towards to forest, you following right behind him.

~time skip, now you're at the entrance of a cave~

"Hello? Anyone down there?" you yelled down into the dark abiss of the cave. There was no response, and you looked up at Iron with wonder in your eyes. He smiled shyly, and entered the cave. You jumped in right after him, ready for a mining spree. After some time, the cold chill of the cave hit you, and you began shivering. Iron, of course, noticed this.

"Uh, if you want, um, we could go back t-to the village..." he stuttered, in quiet tone, not wanting to attract any mobs that could be in the cave. You hastily shook your head.

"No! I came here to mine, and I'm not leaving! Not until I find what I'm looking for." you said, stubornly. Iron shook his head, and took his hat off and put it on your head. It was a bit big for you, and covered your eye when he put it on your head. You agusted it and smiled up at him.

"Heh, thanks Iron."

"Shh." he ordered, hearing something. You went quiet, and squinted down the dark path, trying to get a glimse of whatever he had heard. There was a hissing noise, one which you instinly recognised as a spider or cave spider. Your eyes widened, and a smile crept on to your face.

"Maybe theres a Mineshaft! Come on, Iron! It will be fun!" You said, rushing towards where you heard the sound.

"No! (y/n), don't go over there!" Iron yelled, rushing after you. Only, he had lost sight of you, and came to a fork in the cave. He didn't know which way you went, so he ran over to left path. The only problem, you went the right path. And before you knew it, you were completely lost, in a dark, wet cave. What have you done?

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