"Speed and stealth are your only allies. Leave your pursuers to us. We'll do our best to keep the dark at bay. Don't doubt our ability to make their hunt a painful one. Trust in your guides. They know the way. Argus hasn't lost her. She's in the dark and that spreads her signal to all shadows."

Dominic scowled at him. He must have overheard Lena say Argus had lost all sense of her. He doubted Zach knew any more than the rest of them. After all, if they knew so much, why did they let him struggle to reach her? Instead, he stood there offering him riddles.

"There," Zach said, pointing his finger behind him. "You'll find her there."

Dominic turned to where he pointed. A green dome poked above the trees in the distance. Argus trotted forward, his ears pricked and his nose working. Behind him, Shee howled.

"How do I—" Dominic said, stopping when he saw Zach had gone. "Get her back across..." Dominic mumbled his thought anyway.

Dominic faced his guide. Lena propped herself against a building with one foot on the wall. She crossed her arms and smiled at him, delighted with what had transpired. Of course she was. Dominic sneered, shaking his head.

"C'mon. We can get there on foot easier. It's not that far," Dominic said.

"It may be farther than you think and we don't have much time," Lena said.

"Yes, well, we don't know the roads around here and frankly I don't want to be pulled over with that car. I have no idea what we've been hauling all over, if anything."

"You have a point," Lena said, pushing off the wall.

"Glad you can agree with me," Dominic said.

"I haven't argued with you yet," Lena said frankly.

Dominic retrieved his pack from the car. Slinging the bag on his shoulder, he crossed the street and then headed in the direction of the dome. Lena fell into step beside him, taking his hand. She hadn't done that since they began the journey, and it was strange she did so after how he had spoken to her. He swallowed, regretting his misjudgment of the small guardian.

Several times, the dome disappeared behind buildings and trees. Dominic held the direction in his mind, hoping that eventually he would see his way clear to a road that led up to it. Being this close to their destination, he didn't dare hail a cab or ask for assistance. There was no telling who stood in the crowd waiting to delay them. Then, as Argus trotted ahead of him, he realized that he had the best guide for the task. With the building pointed out to them, Argus could surely figure out a way to get to it. By his stride, he was eager to be moving and the limitations of Dominic's human legs were the only thing holding him back.

"Lead the way, boy," Dominic said.

Argus trotted faster. Dominic ran to keep up. The effort soon rewarded them. The dome was the centerpiece of a vast gothic structure overlooking the Danube. Set between two bell towers, it boasted a tall crucifix, marking it as a very specific kind of building. They stood far below the grand church with no evident way to climb the hill and reach it. Argus barked and Dominic realized he had stopped to ogle. The wolf was pointed toward another street that bent in an opposing direction. Dominic bit his lip, deciding that he should not argue with a guide that had proven his ability to lead. Dominic loped after him. The wolf continued, leading at a fast pace.

Amid stares and curious gazes, Dominic jogged through the city, always moving in sight of the basilica but never seeming closer. Dodging pedestrians and traffic, his stamina ran low, but his need to get to her pushed him near his limit. On a dark empty street, that push gave way and he came to a hard stop, fighting for each breath. Argus barked, encouraging him to continue, while Shee nudged him with her nose. Lena took to his side.

The Trailokya Trilogy, Book One: The Shadow SoulWhere stories live. Discover now