Final Chapter

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Erik fell asleep for a few hours. When he woke up it was time to make dinner. Erik got up and went to check on Curtis and Felicity. Curtis was napping, holding Felicity close. Erik wasn't sure if he should wake up Curtis and ask him what he wants to eat. Erik just decided to make country fried steak and french fries. Erik went to go make dinner. Curtis buried his face into Felicity's fur but soon couldn't breathe. Erik had the steak coated and frying. Meanwhile Felicity stopped feeling Curtis breathing. She then moved away and moved Curtis on his side so he could breathe. Curtis gasped and started crying. Erik heard Curtis crying and ran to him. He instantly scooped him up and held him comfortingly, shushing him and asking "What's wrong?" Curtis cried and said "Sh-She tried to smother me!" Erik continued holding Curtis and said "Felicity would never even attempt to do that. She loves children." Curtis cried and said "B-But I couldn't breathe, Jesse!" He whimpered and felt light headed. Erik rubbed Curtis' back and said "Felicity lost her cubs, ever since then she has been very protective of any child. After losing her children do you really think she would want to lose you?" Curtis shook his head and sniffled, saying "N-No."
"One time I was snuggling Felicity and I buried my face in her fur, that suffocated me. Felicity noticed I stopped breathing and she put me on my side so I could breathe. I found you on your side so I am assuming the same thing happened to you." Erik said. Curtis understood now and hugged Erik, calming down. Felicity walked over to Curtis and licked his face to calm him down. Curtis smiled and hugged her gently as a thank you and an apology. Felicity nuzzled Curtis and Erik said "Take care of Curtis while I finish dinner," to Felicity, and she barked to let him know she would. Erik then went back to making dinner. Curtis smiled and pet Felicity.

Erik soon finished cooking the steak and the fries. Now he is making a homemade country gravy to go with the food. Curtis could smell the food and was getting hungry. Erik finished making the gravy and called out "Dinners ready" Felicity picked Curtis up by the back of his shirt and carried him into the kitchen. Curtis liked being carried and smiled. Erik picked Curtis up and set him in a chair at the table. He gave Curtis a plate and gave Felicity a plate, though her steak was raw. "Want some country gravy?" Erik asked Curtis, Curtis nodded, it looking good. Erik put some of the gravy on Curtis' plate and then put some on his own. He then started eating. Curtis started eating, saying "This is the best." Erik smiled and said "Glad you like it." and kept eating. Felicity put her paws on Curtis' lap and gave him puppy dog eyes. She wants some of the gravy but Erik won't give her any. Curtis nodded and sneaked some onto her plate. Felicity ate it happily. Erik wouldn't give Felicity any of the gravy cause it has Garlic in it and that is very toxic to dogs and wolves. Curtis smiled and pet Felicity. Felicity finished her food and was tired. She licked Curtis as her way of saying goodnight. She did the same to Erik, though he could smell the garlic on her breath. He quickly said in a panicked voice "Did you give her any of the gravy!?" Curtis flinched and shook his head, knowing he would be in trouble if he found out, "Don't lie to me! The gravy has garlic in it, it could kill her!" Erik said, Curtis teared up and nodded. Erik picked up Felicity and carried her to the bathroom, he forced some syrup of ipecac down her throat and waited for her to throw up. Curtis started crying because he felt bad and didn't want her to die. In a few seconds Felicity threw up everything she ate, including the the toxic gravy. Erik then picked Felicity up and carried her to her room. He set Felicity down on her bed and went back into the kitchen.

Curtis was still crying. Erik picked Curtis up and held him comfortingly. He bounced him gently and said "It's okay, you didn't know it could hurt her." Curtis said "I-Is she going to die now?" Erik shook his head and said "No. I forced some syrup of ipecac in her. She'll be fine." Curtis hugged Erik tightly and sighed. "Next time tell me you are going to give something to Felicity. There are many foods that can kill her." Erik said, Curtis nodded and said "S-Sorry."
"It's okay, you didn't know it was bad." Curtis calmed down and stopped crying. "Finish eating, then it's bedtime." Erik said and made Curtis sit back in his chair. Curtis nodded and continued eating. Erik continued eating as well and soon finished. Curtis finished and wiped his mouth off. Erik picked Curtis up and carried him to his room and tucked him into bed with the fan still blowing. Curtis liked the fan on and relaxed, getting under the covers. Erik kissed Curtis' forehead and left the room. He then went to his room, got in bed and turned the TV on and watched Friday the 13th. Curtis fell asleep and dreamed about playing with Felicity.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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